When these documents arrived, Theodoret was at Antioch with other bishops of the province. To these may be added the Refutation of the Twelve Chapters, and the following given in the Auctarium of Garnerius. This letter Theodoret regarded as orthodox, but irreconcilable with the anathematisms, which he still regarded as heretical. At this epoch, as Hefele remarks ( Hist. Kvireli, T'eodorite 393-466. III. He was master of Greek, Syriac, and Hebrew, but unacquainted with Latin. 390 seq. Theodoret, with the other bishops of the province, on this, withdrew from communion with him, and published a synodical letter charging him with ordaining unworthy persons ( ib. His chief theological teacher, to whom be never refers without deserved reverence and admiration, was Theodore of Mopsuestia, "the great commentator," as he was called, the luminary and pride of the Antiochene school, but one who undoubtedly prepared the way for the teaching of Nestorius by his desire to provide, in Dorner's words, "for a free moral development in the Saviour's manhood." Prolegomena and extracts from Commentaries on the Psalms. Though caught up in the theological currents in the period between the Church councils of Ephesus in 431 and Chalcedon in 451, he could claim in a letter late in that period to have commented on "all the prophets, the psalter, and the apostle. (2) The Religious History, φιλόθεος ἱστορία , is devoted to the lives of 30 celebrated hermits and ascetics, his contemporaries, and was written from personal knowledge and popular report before his Ecclesiastical History . Author of Theodoret of Cyrus, Kirchengeschichte, Correspondance, Commentaire sur Isaïe, Theodoret of Cyrus, the Questions on the Octateuch, Histoire des moines de Syrie, Graecarum affectionum curatio, A History Of The Church From A.D. 322 … THEODORET, b. at Antioch towards the close of the fourth century; d. at Cyrus, or Cyrrhus, the capital of the Syrian province of Cyrrhestica, 457.He was educated in the monastery of St. Euprepius, near Antioch; ordained a deacon by Bishop Porphyrius; and elected bishop of Cyrus in 420 and 423. Pelagius was allowed to lay before the synod the proofs of his accusation, contained in "The Apology of Theodoret, bp. 619–624). Quantity. Feodorit Kirrskij. col. 445, c. Alexander refused to attend the synod except on his own terms. Bright ( Hist. 294). Cyril found it impossible to accept the terms proposed in Theodoret's articles. t. v. pp. Of the five sessions held at Chalcedon the proceedings of the first alone are recorded. For it demanded acceptance of the deposition of Nestorius, the anathematizing of Nestorius's doctrines, and the giving up the four metropolitans of his party who had been deposed at Constantinople. After serving as a lector, he withdrew to a monastery in 416. Theodoret readily replied to the anathematisms seriatim. The deputies not being allowed to enter Constantinople, audiences with the emperor were held at Chalcedon, Sept. 431. Eunomians, Arians, Marcionites, and others who still more wildly distorted the pure faith abounded. ; Baluz. Their authorship is doubtful; they have been ascribed to Athanasius or Maximus, but Garnier claims them for Theodoret. 102 (Fathers of the Church Series) by Theodoret Cyrus (2001-02-28) 114, 115). xv. v. pp. Tag: Theodoret of Cyrus Sola Scriptura in the Early Church. at Constantinople, representing his metropolitan Alexander ( ib. of Cyrrhus, in behalf of Diodorus and Theodorus, champions of God." Dioscorus and his partisans, having by brutal violence obtained the acquittal of Eutyches and the deposition of Flavian, Ibas, Irenaeus, and other sympathizers with Theodoret, proceeded on the third session to deal with him. vi. pp. These are Ἀτρεπτος , Immutabilis , Ἀσύγχυτος , Inconfusus, and Ἀπαθής , Impatibilis . Theodoret knew that deposition was usually followed by exile, and prepared for the worst. We will ship it separately in 10 to 15 days. iv. But if the statement of Gennadius (c. 89) be true, that his death took place under the emperor Leo, he must have lived till 457 or 458. "What," writes Dr. Newman, "made him drink in with such relish what we reject with such disgust? To this edition our references are made. The symbol (Creed) that formed the basis of the reconciliation (c. 433) of John of Antioch and others with Cyril was apparently drawn up by Theodoret (P. G., LXXXIV, 209 sqq. But we have, in a Latin version, a long letter addressed to the followers of Nestorius at Constantinople, declaring his adherence to the orthodox faith, although he had felt unable to acquiesce in the condemnation of Nestorius, not believing that the doctrines ascribed to him were actually held by him (Baluz. (3) Λἱρετικῆς Κακομυθίας ἐπιτομή , Haereticarum Fabularum Compendium , a work directed against heresies in general, in five books. Of this, however, there is no evidence, and we are, though most reluctantly, compelled to accept it as his work, together with the equally atrocious letter to Sporacius on the Nestorian heresy. Subscribe to our newsletter for announcements about Holy Cross Orthodox Press titles and special discounts. His life as bishop differed as little as possible from that he had lived in his monastery. ... “Have thou ever in your mind this seal, which for the present has been lightly touched in my discourse, by way of summary, but shall be stated, should the Lord permit, to the best of my power with the proof from the Scriptures. In 416 he was appointed bishop of Cyrus, an important city in Syria northwest of Aleppo. From his opening words he has been thought to have had in view the histories of Socrates and Sozomen, and to have written to supply their omissions and correct their mistakes (Valesius). The Letters. The Blessed Theodoret, bp. 1336–1354). He calls it "a small and desolate city," with but "few inhabitants, and those poor," whose ugliness he had striven to redeem by costly buildings erected at his own expense ( Ep. They give us a heightened esteem of Theodoret himself, his intellectual power, theological precision, warm-hearted affection, and Christian virtues. He carried his campaign against error, which embraced Jews and heathen as well as misbelieving Christians, beyond his own diocese. He and his companions, he said, were shut out from the royal city on account of their fidelity to Christ, but the Heavenly Jerusalem was still open to them. (3.) Selected Poems (1935-1989). From his "internement" at Cyrrhus Theodoret calmly watched his enemies' proceedings. 113), taking up his abode in a monastery, one of two founded in a large village called Nicerte, 3 miles from Apamea, and about 75 from Antioch ( Ep. Theodoret of Cyrus- Antiochus. iii. c. 72, 775). The unhappy renewal of strife, concerning the doctrines of Diodorus and Theodoret, brought Theodoret and Cyril once more into collision. To these may be added a discourse on Charity, περὶ θείας καὶ ἁγίας ἀγάπης (Schulze, 14, 1296 seq.) "In this remarkable letter," writes Dr. The ear of the emperor was gained, and Theodoret was represented as a turbulent busybody, constantly at Antioch and other cities, taking part in councils and assemblies instead of attending to his diocese; a troublesome agitator, stirring up strife wherever he moved (Ep. N. Ghibokowski, The Blessed Theodoret, bp. Theodosius continued to pay no heed to the remonstrances of Leo, asserting that everything had been decided at Ephesus with complete freedom and in accordance with the truth, and that the prelates there deposed merited their fate for innovations in the faith. The East has ever been the nursery of heresy. He received an extensive education at an early age. The last of the great biblical commentators of the school of Antioch, Theodoret wrote works … St. Jerome- Antiochus. One by one the recalcitrant prelates yielded, except Alexander and some others. Hist. The hall re-echoed with cries and counter-cries which interrupted all proceedings. commented on by him are the Epistles of St. Paul, including that to the Hebrews. ed. He played a pivotal role in several 5th-century Byzantine Church controversies that led to various ecumenical acts and schisms. THEODORET OF CYR Antiochean theologian, bishop, and controversial Church Father; b. Antioch, c. 393; d. before 466. So completely at variance with orthodoxy did he regard them, that in the letter to John (reckoned as Ep. There is a trans. For appreciation, terseness, and good sense they are perhaps unsurpassed, and if the absence of faults were a just standard of merit, they would deserve the first place; but they have little claim to originality, and he who has read Chrysostom and Theodore of Mopsuestia will find scarcely anything in Theodoret which he has not seen before. He played a pivotal role in several 5th-century Byzantine Church controversies that led to various ecumenical acts and schisms. Feodorit. Covid Safety Membership Educators Gift Cards Stores & Events Help. On July 29, 450, Theodosius II. III. His parents held a high position at Antioch. Pusey, vi. of Cyrus (Moscow, 1890, 2vols. (2.) of Church , p. 395), "he traces the primacy of Rome to her civil greatness, her soundness of faith, and her possession of the graves of the apostles Peter and Paul. To do this (Theodoret writes to his friend Andrew of Samosata) would be to anathematize godliness itself. He often, instead of his own opinion, cites that of his great masters Diodorus of Tarsus and Theodore of Mopsuestia, and Origen. iii. x. Ḟeodorit, Bishop of Cyrrhus. His books were to be committed to the flames (ib. He is considered blessed or a saint by the Eastern Orthodox Church. 531; Hefele, op. Of the circumstances of his consecration we are entirely ignorant. This desire he saw in part fulfilled. (4) Homily spoken at Chalcedon in 431. This was succeeded by another ed. of the new Rome, a personal friend of long standing to both of them, was no less offensive to Theodoret than to John. His chief desire was to witness the complete triumph of truth, and to convince others of the purity of his own teaching. All was now changed. Cyrus Theodoret von 0393?-0466? He awaits his decision. Mém. Kelly. i. c. 20). From the University, I also received not only a generous financial assistance to complete my ... 3.5. Against this reproach and against the suspicion that he had given in to escape persecution or to secure a higher place Theodoret sought to defend himself (ib. This step he had repeatedly declared he would never take, and he now tried to satisfy the remonstrants with something short of it, but in vain. 31). p. 246, note, Ceillier, Aut. Theodoret returned to his diocese, and devoted himself to composing a fresh work assailing the obnoxious anathematisms, entitled Pentalogus , from its division into five books. Designed to crush one form of heretical teaching as regards our Lord's personal nature, these "articles" (detached, against Cyril's intention, from the letter on which they were based) hardly escaped falling into the opposite error. (vi.) It was followed by another of a similar character, in ten orations, on Divine Providence, regarded by the best critics as exhibiting Theodoret's literary power in its highest form, as regards the careful selection of thoughts, nobility of language, elegance and purity of style, and the force and sequence of his arguments (Ceillier, p. 88, § 10). Theodoret's name appears in the letters and other documents passing between the Oriental party at Ephesus and their representatives in Chalcedon, in which much was said and written in a bitter spirit (Labbe, vol. Feodorit Bishop of Cyrrhus. This certainly will explain what to most of us is sure to seem the stupid credulity of so well-read, so intellectual an author " (Hist. Dioscorus was resolved to bring about Theodoret's overthrow, as Theodoret was one of the first to discern the nascent heresy of Eutyches, and directed the powers of a well-trained intellect and great theological learning to exposing it. Entry for 'Theodoretus, Bishop of Cyrrhus'. Editions .—There are 2 edd. Theodoret was assailed on his tenderest side by harassing his diocese. The Græcarum Affectionum Curatio, the Discourse on Charity, and the De Providentia. Add to Cart. Contents and Character of the Extant Works. This volume completes the Commentary on all the Psalms written by Theodoret, bishop of Cyrus, in the decade before the Council of Chalcedon held in 451, “a triumph of Antiochene theology,” in the words of J.N.D. despatched in the name of John and his suffragans to Nestorius, exhorting him to give up his objections to the term "Theotokos," seeing that its true sense was part of the Church's faith, and entreating him not to throw the whole of Christendom into confusion for the sake of a word, has been with great show of probability ascribed to the practised pen of Theodoret. 84). ; the first in 4 vols. A. Noesselt (Halae Sax. This is questioned by some, and must be regarded as doubtful. Volume Three includes a commentary on the Twelve Prophets. was pub. "åÊ, Fortunately, all Theodoret's commentaries have survived, probably owing to his proverbial moderation that attracted none of the hostility responsible for the loss of works of some of his Antiochene predecessors. The work on the Octateuch consists of answers to difficult points, for the most part characterized by the sound common-sense literalism of the Antiochene school, with but little tendency to allegory. Controversial , dealing with the anathematisms of Cyril, the Eutychian heresy, and, in a work written towards the end of his life, with heresies in general. These accusations were accepted at court, and Dioscorus obtained an imperial edict (dated by Tillemont Mar 30, 449) that as a disturber of the peace of the church Theodoret should keep to his own diocese. Kyros, Theodoretus von 393-466. The council exclaimed that they had heard enough to warrant the immediate deposition of Theodoret, as the emperor had already ordered. The parents of Theodoret were both dead when he was 23 years old. Theodoret and Chalcedon. (2) A Short Extract from a Commentary on St. Luke . Relations with Nestorius and to Nestorianism. Other treatises he wrote then are lost. The only portions of the N.T. (Gal. xxi.) Theodoret of Cyrus (or Cyrrhus) (Greek: Θεοδώρητος Κύρρου) (c. 393 – c. 458/466) was an influential author, theologian, and Christian bishop of Cyrrhus, Syria (423–457).He played a pivotal role in many early Byzantine church controversies that led to various ecumenical acts and schisms. Theodosius insisted on the deposition and expulsion of all bishops who continued opposed to union. 728). For the details of the conflict see CYRILLUS OF ALEXANDRIA; PROCLUS; RABBULAS; IBAS. Theodoret of Cyrus (The Early Church Fathers) Istvan Pasztori Kupan The larger part of Theodoret of Cyrus' existant body of work still remains untranslated, and this lack provides a fragmented representation of his thought and has lead to his misrepresentation by ancient, medieval and some modern scholars. From the "Latrocinium" or "Robbers' Synod," at Ephesus (449) [DIOSCORUS; EUTYCHES], Theodoret was excluded by an imperial edict of Mark 4, unless summoned unanimously by the council itself (Labbe, iv. His maternal grandmother was a lady of landed property ( Relig. The symbol (Creed) that formed the basis of the reconciliation (c. 433) of John of Antioch and others with Cyril was apparently drawn up by Theodoret (P. G., LXXXIV, 209 sqq. His method proved generally effectual. The succession of Dioscorus to Cyril's patriarchal throne led to fresh trials for Theodoret. (5) Fifteen additional letters of Theodoret. Lying, as it were, in a corner of the world, not reached by the public posts, isolated by the great river to the E. and the mountain chains to the W., peopled by half-leavened heathen, Christianity there assumed many strange forms, sometimes hardly recognizable caricatures of the truth. So great was his zeal for orthodoxy that, having discovered in the churches of his diocese more than 200 copies of the Diatessaron of Tatian, which he regarded as tainted with heresy, he destroyed them all, and substituted the ordinary text of the four Gospels ( Haer. V. Epistolary .—No portion of Theodoret's literary remains exceeds in interest and value the large collection of his letters. Theodoret of Cyrus (c. 393-466), the wise and zealous bishop of Cyrus, a small town near Antioch, was the last great theologian of the school of Antioch. Theodoret's protest was in vain. All of these enjoyed Theodoret's unremitting and affectionate solicitude and frequent visits. It excites our wonder at what Dr. Newman calls the "easy credence, or as moderns would say large credulousness," which appears more astonishing as he had been brought up in the most matter-of-fact, prosaic, and critical school of ancient Christendom. The whole assembly raised the cry that Theodoret was worthy of his throne, and that the church must receive back her orthodox teacher. Theodoret, Theodore and the Cappadocian Lexicon in the Expositio rectae fidei 597–599). On their way home from Ephesus the Orientals, Theodoret among them, held a synod at Tarsus and renewed the sentence of deposition on Cyril in conjunction with the seven orthodox deputies to Theodosius II., which they published in a circular letter. is back-ordered. His diocese was 40 miles square, and contained 800 distinct parishes, each with its church. $ 19.95. 697–699). Neander, iv. Historical , and V. Epistolary . 130 ff.). Schulze, Halae, 1771). pp. The tenth discourse, “On True and False Oracles,” displays Theodoret’s biting wit and cynicism, in that he cautions “there is no need to blush, my friends; for it is proper to feel shame, not at the confession of sin, but at its commission” (218). It consists of three dialogues between the "Mendicant" ' Ερανίστης who represents Eutychianism, and Theodoret himself as Ὀρθόδοξος . Theodoret's Commentary on the Psalms, 73-150 will be the next volume published in The Fathers of the Church series. His style of commentary, the hermeneutics of his school and the distinctive Antioch text of the Old Testament are of particular interest to modern scholars and readers.åÊ. His writings against Cyril were incl… Theodoret of Cyrus- “He is referring to Ptolemy Philopater.” St. Jerome- "Ptolemy Philadelphus, the second king of Egypt. books having been burnt under Manasseh and other godless kings, or destroyed during the Captivity, Ezra was divinely inspired to rewrite them word for word on the return from the Captivity. Theodoret speaks also of Diodorus of Tarsus as his teacher, but this can only have been through his writings. Eranistes by Theodoret of Cyrus Theodoret of Cyrus , Gerard H. Ettlinger This translation of a major document in patristic Christology, the first translation since the 19th century, is based on the modern critical edition of Theodoret's Greek text. Controversial .—(1) The Refutation of the Twelve Anathematisms of Cyril. 66). God forbid. 4, de Sectis ) (cf. The stigma of heterodoxy was speedily removed from him. Of these bp. The unanimous sentence was that he should be deposed from the priesthood and deprived of even lay communion. How the Lord God is long suffering towards those who rage against him, and chastises those who abuse his patience, is plainly taught by the acts and by the fate of Valens. Schulze and J. Only a few fragments remain. A Noble Task: Entry into the Clergy in the First Five Centuries, A Voice of Resilience and Hope. But his chief study was given to the Holy Scriptures and the commentators upon them in several languages. He could boast with all honesty to pope Leo I. in 449 that by the help of his prayers not a single plant of tares was left among them, and that his whole flock had been delivered from heretical errors (Epp. He is ready to anathematize all who assert that Christ was mere man, or who divide Him into two Sons, or who deny His Godhead. ed. But if they anathematized a man of whom they were not the judges, and his doctrine which they knew to be sound, en bloc , "indeterminate," they would act impiously (ib. p. 177). ), the Orientals were divided into two great parties: the peace-seeking majority, with John of Antioch and the venerable Acacius at their head, ready to meet Cyril half-way; the violent party of irreconcilables, with Alexander of Hierapolis as their leader, opposed to all reconciliation as treason to the truth; while a third or middle party was led by Theodoret and Andrew of Samosata, anxious for peace, but on terms of their own. ); Harnack in Theol. by Baxter in 1847. State and official routine were very distasteful to him, and he avoided them as far as possible, devoting himself to the spiritual side of his office ( Epp. c. vii. 183, p. 1231). The indictment was formulated by a presbyter of Antioch named Pelagius, who, in language of the most atrocious violence, proceeded to demand of the council to take the sword of God and, as Samuel dealt with Agag, and Elijah with the priests of Baal, pitilessly destroy those who had introduced strange doctrines into the church. It is in 12 discourses, and furnishes a very able and eloquent defence of Christianity against the ridicule and ignorant accusations of pagan philosophers, written probably before 437. His rich Christian family gave Theodoret a thorough education in classic culture, literature, and philosophy. Theodoret was one of the Oriental commissioners to the emperor Theodosius II. Wearied out, at last he yielded to their clamour and pronounced the test words, "Anathema to Nestorius, and to every one who denies that the Holy Virgin Mary is the mother of God, and who divides the one Son, the Only-begotten, into two Sons." He denounces the iniquity of the Jews, who had excluded Daniel from the prophets and placed his book among the Hagiographa, because no prophet had so clearly predicted the advent of Jesus Christ, and the very time of His appearance. Theodoret emerges in this work as a measured commentator and balanced exponent of his school's hermeneutical and theological principles. Auto Suggestions are available once you type at least 3 letters. With considerable trouble he obtained from Palestine relics of prophets, apostles, and martyrs, for the greater glory of a church he had built ( Relig. Theodoret's entrance was the signal for outrageous violence on the part of the adherents of Dioscorus. Cyrrhus was equally fertile in heretics. Finding his growing isolation more and more intolerable, Theodoret invited the chiefs of the fast-lessening band of his sympathizers, Alexander, Andrew, and others, to take counsel at Zeugma, in reference to the union with Cyril, which had been accepted by John and earnestly pressed upon them by the combined weight of the ecclesiastical and civil power. From one passage in the very interesting prologue we learn that Theodoret held the then current opinion, that the whole of the O.T. He was allowed to retire to his monastery near Apamea (Ep. "often," he writes, "have I shed my blood; often have I been stoned; nay, brought down before my time to the very gates of death." His writings may be divided roughly into I. Exegetical , on the Scriptures of O. and N. T. II. Retirement after Chalcedon, and Death. p. 127 Eng. Theodoret appears to have been mentioned by name in the edict of recall. IV. 16, 79, 81, 145). The coldness arising between him and John after John's reconciliation with Cyril had been much increased by John's uncanonical intrusion into the province of Alexander in the ordination of bishops. The last of the great biblical commentators of the school of Antioch, Theodoret wrote works on all the prophets during his years as bishop of Cyrus. 146). 1911. eccl. p. 220). Cf. He gives more original documents than either of his brother-historians, but is very chary of dates, and writes generally without sufficient chronological exactness. Theodoret after his return to Cyrus continued to oppose Cyril by speech and writing. and in 10 parts. of his complete works in Gk. 119, p. 1202). cit. The imperial commissioners now declared that all doubt had been removed and that Theodoret should now receive back his bishopric. The council of Chalcedon met on Oct. 8, 451. and some fragments of sermons, etc., given by Garnier ( Auctarium, ib. Commentaries on the Prophets, Vol. Sketches, iii. of Cyrrhus, or Cyrus, in the province of Euphratensis, was born at Antioch probably c. 393 (Tillemont). The city of Cyrrhus, though the winter quarters of the tenth legion, could boast little dignity or architectural beauty. Part of a Commentary on St. Luke. The commentary on the Canticles was his earliest exegetical work. of this remarkable series of letters, arranged according to date and subject, is much to be desired. Five sessions held at Chalcedon, Sept. theodoret of cyrus discourse 3 ; d. before 466 by... Liberty to go where he pleased, Theodoret preferred to remain in monastery..., warm-hearted affection, and Hebrew, but this can only have been ascribed to Athanasius Maximus... Not among his brother-bishops the Canticles was his earliest Exegetical work Divine Providence, and controversial Church Father ; Antioch... Fascinated by prophecy '' ( Frances M. Young ) ” no portion Theodoret... 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