Fish & Wildlife Service ECOS Environmental Conservation Online System Regulatory Status. These habitats are used by massasaugas from early fall to late spring. In addition to the loss of populations, we expect the extent of species’ range will shrink by more than 80 percent over the next 50 years as populations are lost.Â, Final Rule (Federal Register Sept. 30, 2016), Species Status Assessment (117-page PDF ; 2.4MB), Range-wide Extinction Risk Modeling for the
They often hibernate in crayfish burrows but may also be found under logs and tree roots or in small mammal burrows. Average Total Length: 24” Description: The Eastern Massasauga is a small rattlesnake with a ground color of gray, tan, or golden tan. 2012, Long-term Research on Rattlesnake Life History Will Help Managers Plan Habitat Restoration August 7, 2012, Species Action Plan - Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PDF). The Service listed the eastern massasauga as threatened because of loss of populations throughout its range, declines in the number of individuals within those populations and the fact that threats will continue to cause declines into the future. If we continue to lose eastern massasauga populations, the species is likely to face extinction in the future. The southwestern portion of the snake’s range will see the most severe declines with a predicted 97 percent loss of historical populations over the next 50 years. The Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake (EMR) is listed as a threatened species under the U.S. The more its marshy haunts are drained and developed, the more the snake is pushed onto islands of habitat where survival is difficult. This snake is active in the day, except in the hottest summer months when it becomes nocturnal. The name 'massasauga' means 'great river mouth' in the Chippewa language. In summer, snakes migrate to drier, upland sites, ranging from forest openings to old fields, agricultural lands and prairies. Bloomington, MN 55437-1458, Contact Us
View up to date information on how Illinois is handling the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) from the The venomous Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake rarely attempts to bite unless highly agitated. eastern massasauga habitat is open-canopy areas for activities such as gestation and digestion, which require active thermoregulation (Reinert and Kodrich 1982, Johnson 1995). Like all rattlesnakes, it is a pit viper, and like all pit vipers, it is venomous. They inhabit at a height below 1500 m above sea level. Endangered Species Act (Act). This probably refers to the wet habitats preferred by the eastern and western subspecies. The northern populations in Ontario, Canada, around Georgian Bay are found in rock outcrop areas that are more similar to the habitat where we find timber rattlesnakes. The venom of the Massasauga rattlesnake is hemolytic, which means it causes the breakdown of … Eastern Massasauga (Sistrurus catenatus) is a State Endangered Species and a Federally Threatened Species. Habitat destruction, degradation, and fragmentation are among the most serious causes of EMR past and current EMR population declines. Since the massasauga requires open space, the habitat that remains is threatened by becoming overgrown by trees and shrubs. It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. Habitat Eastern Massasaugas have been found in a variety of wetland habitats. Habitat of Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake These species usually like to dwell on wetlands, swamps, and marshes. The Midwest Region includes Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio and Wisconsin. This snake is active in the day, except in the hottest summer months when it becomes nocturnal. Standard Survey Protocol. Most of the places that it once lived in have been destroyed by the drainage of prairie marshes and for agricultural use. Phone: 612-713-5360
Habitat Eastern Massasauga rattlesnakes are usually found in damp lowland habitats, including bottomland forests, swamps, bogs, fens, marshes, sedge meadows, and wet prairies. In many areas massasaugas also use adjacent uplands during part of the year. Eastern massasaugas have been found in a variety of wetland habitats, including bogs, fens, shrub swamps, wet meadows, marshes, moist grasslands, wet prairies, and floodplain forests (Hallock 1990, Harding 1997). It lives in wet prairies, bogs and old fields. Distribution: Eastern Massasaugas are a snake of glaciated Ohio, with records throughout the northern and western region of the state. This is because of its habitat of swamps, which are often found around the mouths of rivers. The Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake (EMR) is listed as a threatened species under the U.S. This rattlesnake is strongly associated with floodplain habitats along medium to large rivers, especially near river confluences, where they primarily occupy open canopy wetlands, such as sedge meadows, fresh wet meadows, shrub-carrs, and adjacent upland prairies, floodplain forests, … Generally, they use wetlands in the spring, fall, and winter. They have been reported to reproduce both annually and biennially in different parts of their range. The endangered status of the eastern massasauga is mainly due to habitat loss. We have information indicating that 267 of the historical populations still exist today. West, Suite 990
Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Ontario, 60-second Snakes: Eastern Masasauga Rattlesnake. Populations in southern Michigan are typically associated with open wetlands, particularly prairie fens, while those in northern Michigan are known from open wetlands and lowland coniferous forests, such as cedar swamps. Natural predators for the massasauga, particularly the eggs and young, include hawks, skunks, raccoons, and foxes. Females mature after three to four years and reproduce every other year. They can be found throughout the central United States and as far north as Canada. Mating may occur in spring or fall. June 2011, Learning to Live with the Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake: Expanding Outreach and Education in Southern Michigan Dec. 31, 2009. We request review and comment on this draft recovery plan from local, State, and Federal agencies, and the public. The body is gray. There are three general habitat characteristics throughout the Eastern Massasauga range: (1) a mix of open, sunny areas and some shade for thermoregulation, (2) water table near the surface that does not freeze for hibernation, and (3) variable elevation for foraging (Szymanski 1998). To do this, we are developing spatially explicit, full life-cycle demographic models for Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake (Sistrurus catenatus) Ruffed Grouse (Bonasa umbellus), and additional species in collaboration with the Upper Midwest and Great Lakes Landscape Conservation Cooperative and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. Fish and Wildlife Service
We, the U.S. A row of dark blotches is present down the back, and there are three rows of dark spots on the sides. Final Environmental Assessment for Eastern Massasauga Candidate Conservation Agreements in the Midwest. It may be seen basking on grass, near crayfish burrows or in other open locations. Generally, they use wetlands in the spring, fall, and winter. Spotlight: Eastern Massasauga, Long-term Research on Rattlesnake Life History Will Help Managers Plan Habitat Restoration, Learning to Live with the Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake, Rome State Nature Preserve Candidate Conservation Agreement with Assurances. The Massasauga can be found in wet prairies in their western range and bogs and swamps in the eastern part of their range. The eastern massasauga may take shelter in crayfish burrows or other underground cavities. Along with dredging, the succession of forests into meadows and prairies has also destroyed the habitat of the Minnesota, New York, Ohio,
Most of those populations are in Michigan and Ontario, Canada. New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin and Iowa have fewer populations.Â, U.S. 171-page PDF, Spotlight Species Action Plan October 2009. Fish and Wildlife Service listed the Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake (Sistrurus catenatus) as endangered under the Endangered Species Act.Although listed as endangered in Ohio since 1996, this decision affords the Massasauga federal protections related to direct harm to the species and its habitat. Spatial ecology, habitat preference, and habitat management of the eastern massasauga, Sistrurus c. catenatus, in a New York weaklyminerotrophic peatland. At present, there is no evidence of established breeding populations on the Minnesota side of the Mississippi River (hence … near you », The eastern massasauga is a small, thick-bodied rattlesnake that lives in shallow wetlands and adjacent uplands in portions of Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Ontario. State of Illinois Coronavirus Response Site. Our analysis projects a 90 percent reduction in number of populations over the next 50 years. The massasauga is listed as threatened species by the US Fish and Wildlife Service under the Endangered Species Act. If disturbed it may shake its rattle. Eastern Massasauga, Photo Courtesy of Nicholas Smeenk. 5600 American Blvd. Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake Threats and Management. Fish and Wildlife Service's Endangered Species program is conserving and restoring threatened and endangered species and their ecosystems. Endangered Species Act (Act). Scales are keeled (ridged). Populations of the subspecies are found in Iowa, Nebraska, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas (Mackessy 2005). Unfortunately, the habitat of the eastern massasauga is being destroyed. Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake (Sistrurus catenatus catenatus) (66-page PDF ; 2.3MB). Females give birth to litters of 5 to 20 live young in August or early September. Habitat: Massasaugas live in wet areas including wet prairies, marshes and low areas along rivers and lakes. Distribution and Habitat Geographic Range. Live and Let Live - Oakland County, Michigan Blog, Species
It lives in wet prairies, bogs and old fields. Suitable hibernation habitat for Massasaugas is typically found in lowland areas with water-saturated soils and where the water table is close to the surface so that snakes can avoid desiccation (Johnson 1995, EMRT 2005, Parks Canada Agency 2011). 1.2 MB), Recommended
In Indiana, massasaugas were historically distributed ... An area of suitable habitat where one massasauga was found. A button at the tip of the tail is present at birth. The eastern massasauga (Sistrurus catenatus catenatus), one of three subspecies of massasauga, occurs in the upper Midwest and southern Ontario. These rattlesnakes can be found in central New York State and southern Ontario, Canada. The eastern massasauga is strongly associated with wetlands across most of its range. Habitat Eastern massasauga rattlesnakes are usually found in damp lowland habitats such as swamps, marshes, wet prairies, and bottomland forests. Throughout its range, biologists have confirmed that less than half of the eastern massasauga’s historical populations still exist. Unfortunately, these activities can cause snake mortality if done improperly or poorly timed. July 26, 2005, A Handbook for Land Managers (PDF
(photo by Taylor Lehman) The word "massasauga" comes from the Chippewa language meaning "great river mouth." Spotlight: Eastern Massasauga - USFWS Chicago
U.S. Fun Facts The name "Massasauga" comes from a Chippewa Indian word meaning "great river mouth." The draining and dredging of wetlands is the primary cause of the habitat loss. The snake may shed its skin from three to five times in a year. Fish and Wildlife Service listed the eastern massasauga rattlesnake (Sistrurus catenatus) as threatened under the Endangered Species Act. Three subspecies are currently recognized including the nominate subspecies described here. Since the early 1900s damming, road building, surface mining and urbanization have destroyed large amounts of Pennsylvania’s massasauga habitat. 9-Page PDF, Rome State Nature Preserve Candidate Conservation Agreement with Assurances Ashtabula County, Ohio. The eastern massasauga was first listed as a candidate species in 1982. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) before In late 2016, the U.S. The eastern massasauga averages 18 to 30 inches in length. Midwest Region
Counting segments of the rattle is not a good method of aging a snake as the number of segments added each year varies, and segments may be broken or lost. It is currently known from less than 10 Illinois populations. The Act protects the EMR and their habitat by prohibiting “take” and may require agencies to coordinate with the U.S. August 2006, Final Environmental Assessment for Eastern Massasauga Candidate Conservation Agreements in the Midwest. Find a location
The rattle is developed as the skin is shed. Eastern massasauga rattlesnakes can reach up to 30 inches in length. Hibernation sites are located below the frost line, often close to groundwater level. Field Office, Eastern Massasauga - Michigan Society of Herpetologists. Eastern massasaugas have been found in a variety of wetland habitats, including bogs, fens, shrub swamps, wet meadows, marshes, moist grasslands, wet prairies and floodplain forests. The eastern massasauga has been declining over the past three decades due to loss and fragmentation of its wetland habitat. Its occurrence in Minnesota is based on a few reliable sightings in the southeast part of the state, and one specimen whose collection location is questionable. We prepared a Species Status Assessment to assess the eastern massasauga’s current and projected future ability to survive. We know that 38 percent of historical populations have been lost as of 2014 and the status of another 15 percent is uncertain. The presence of water that does not freeze is critical for suitabile hibernaculum. They also will eat other snake species and occasionally birds and frogs. Michigan is Main Focus of Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake Survival Plan, Managing for Massasaugas - Edward Lowe Foundation | Land Stewardship. The pupil of each eye is vertically elliptical. The massasauga is a rattlesnake species found in midwestern North America from southern Ontario to northern Mexico and parts of the United States in between. The female gives birth to four to 20 young in August or September, the number depending on her size and age. The dramatic decline of the eastern massasauga is alarming. It is also known as the 'swamp rattler" and "black snapper." We also determined that designating critical habitat for the eastern massasauga is not prudent. The eastern massasauga may be found in the northern two-thirds of Illinois. The Act protects the EMR and their habitat by prohibiting “take” and may require federal agencies to coordinate with the U.S. State of Illinois Coronavirus Response Site. They will shift the habitats they use, depending on the season. Massasaugas usually hibernate in wetlands in crayfish or small mammal burrows. Their cryptic coloration—irregularly dark saddles alternating against a lighter background—helps them blend into the leaves and branches of their wetland habitat, and their tail ends in a namesake "rattle," a collection of modified scales. Email:, Range-wide Extinction Risk Modeling for the
A Species Survival Plan® is a collaborative science-based management program of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA). mowing, prescribed fire) to maintain these conditions. It has a heat-sensitive pit on each side of the head between the eye and the nostril. The Botanical Gardens serves as natural habitat for the eastern massasauga rattlesnake. Rattlesnake bites, while extremely rare in Michigan, can and do occur. They can also be found westward to the prairies of Iowa and Missouri. 4-page PDF. Young snakes depend more on cold-blooded prey, particularly frogs. Female massasaugas reach sexual maturity at three or four years of age. There are a number of signs posted on the grounds to alert guests to the potential presence of the rattlesnakes. Archives: Chronological list of previous Federal Register publications, with associated information materials, and other actions pertaining to the Endangered Species Act status of the eastern massasauga. Populations in southern Michigan are typically associated with open wetlands, particularly prairie fens, while those in northern Michigan are better known from lowland coniferous forests, such as cedar swamps (Legge and Rabe 1999). Fish and Wildlife Service, announce the availability of the draft recovery plan for the threatened eastern massasauga rattlesnake. Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake (, Species
The mission of the U.S. The eastern massasauga may be found in the northern two-thirds of Illinois. A rattle is present at the tip of the tail. The U.S. They intend to move to open meadows and grasslands during the summer. Each time the skin is shed a new segment is added to the rattle. The eastern massasauga (Sistrurus catenatus) is a small rattlesnake considered in decline through much of its range and is listed as endangered in Indiana. U.S.FWS Species profile about species listing status, federal register publications, recovery, critical habitat, conservation planning, petitions, and life history U.S. The eastern massasauga, a rare sight for most Michigan residents, has been declining due to fragmentation and loss of wetland habitat. The eastern massasauga may take shelter in crayfish burrows or other underground cavities. The Division of Wildlife’s mission is to conserve and improve fish and wildlife resources and their habitats for sustainable use and appreciation by all. Natural Habitat. Please turn on JavaScript and try again. We know of 558 historical populations, of which 211 have been lost and the status of 84 is uncertain â with the likelihood that many of those populations have also been lost. Wet prairie is the preferred habitat in the west, bogs and swamps in the east. Eastern massasaugas have been found in a variety of wetland habitats, including bogs, fens, shrub swamps, wet meadows, marshes, moist grasslands, wet prairies and floodplain forests. Its severe decline is a warning bell tolling the loss of North American wetlands. Habitat loss and Fragmentation. This snake eats mice, small birds, frogs and snakes. In Indiana the eastern massasauga is rare and populations are limited to the northern half of the state. Massasaugas feed primarily on small mammals such as voles, moles, jumping mice, and shrews. Its head is flattened and much wider than the neck. Massasaugas require habitat for foraging during the warm months and habitat for brumation (hibernation of reptiles) during the cool months of the year (Fogell 2005, Patten 2006). A series of spots and saddles are arranged down the back and sides. Fish and Wildlife Service seeks public comment on draft recovery plan for Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake, Habitat: Open to forested wetlands and adjacent upland areas, Region 3 Lead Office: Chicago, Illinois Field Office, Range: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan,
It is listed as an endangered species in Indiana, and is Federally threatened. HABITAT: Eastern massasaugas tend to inhabit wetland areas but may also use drier habitats. Eastern massasauga (EMR) are an early successional species requiring habitat management practices (i.e. In summer, snakes migrate to drier, upland sites, ranging from forest openings to old fields, agricultural lands and prairies. They will shift the habitats they use, depending on the season. The analysis predicts a continuing decline in the number of eastern massasauga populations. Rattlesnake ( Sistrurus catenatus ) as threatened species under the U.S as a species. They will shift the habitats they use wetlands in the number depending on the sides 1900s damming, building. Javascript enabled Ontario, Canada to four years and reproduce every other year located below frost! To four to 20 live young in August or early September mainly due to loss and fragmentation are among most. 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