Solo Nightblade HYBRID PVE Build. With that said, some Races are better suited for specific classes (for more information be sure to read The Best Elder Scrolls Online Race). I've previously played magic caster type characters. With that said, some Races are better suited for specific classes (for more information be sure to read The Best Elder Scrolls Online Race). Best Mundus Stone for a Nightblade Stamina DPS: The Shadow (Increased Critical Damage) Master Assassin, Passive, Increased damage while in stealth mode, Executioner, Passive, Restore Magicka by killing enemy with an Assassination ability, Pressure Points, Passive, Increased critical strike chance, Hemorrhage, Passive, Increased bonus critical strike damage, Assassin’s Blade, Active, Increased damage multiplier against low health enemies, Teleport Strike, Active, Teleport directly to your enemy to damage and stun, Blur, Active, Enemies have a chance of missing you when they attack, Mark Target, Active, Place a mark on a target and deal extra damage, Death Stroke, Ultimate, Damage enemy and reduce their healing; damage increases as Ultimate charge increases, Refreshing Shadows, Passive, Increased stamina regeneration, Shadow Barrier, Passive, Increased armor and spell resistance, Dark Veil, Passive, Increased Shadow ability duration, Veiled Strike, Active, Deal increased damage and stun enemies, Summon Shade, Active, Summon a shade to attack enemies, Path of Darkness, Active, Deal Magicka damage and increase movement speed, Aspect of Terror, Active, Induce fear in two nearby enemies, Consuming Darkness, Ultimate, Creates area of darkness that snares enemies and grants allies protection and invisibility, Catalyst, Passive, Increased potion effectiveness, Magicka Flood, Passive, Increased maximum Magicka, Soul Siphoner, Passive, Increased healing from Siphoning abilities, Transfer, Passive, Gain Ultimate when dealing Siphoning damage, Strife, Active, Deals enemy damage and heals player, Agony, Active, Stuns enemy and causes damage, Cripple, Active, Siphons movement speed from enemy and causes damage, Siphoning Strikes, Active, Restore Magicka and Stamina when attacking, Drain Power, Active, Increased Weapon Damage for each enemy damaged, Soul Shred, Ultimate, Deals damage and stuns all foes in radius; ally may activate Soul Leech initiating a high-damage attack. Cloak and Dagger is a fun Nightblade Thief Build. I've heard there were some changes with race passives. Make sure to bookmark the link as I will keep updating the build for each new Update of ESO. When playing a Nightblade in The Elder Scrolls Online consider the following: The Elder Scrolls Online has a robust character creation system, and you can play any character class with any Race. Markarth. Players may be tempted to wear Heavy Armor due to the Nightblade’s low Health (compared to other classes), but Heavy Armor is a poor choice for stealth-based characters, despite its excellent damage resistance. Nightblade : sniper, go invisible and shoot stuff from afar, might be the highest single target damage of all bow builds. However, there are racial bonuses to consider which in my opinion are not insignificant if you really care about squeezing every bit out of your character. Stamina Nightblade Strong Burst Damage - Good Debuffs. This build can be played in both CP and no-CP pvp without any changes to the build! With that said, some Races are better suited for specific classes (for more information be sure to read The Best Elder Scrolls Online Race). If you’re the type of player that prefers distance attacks with a bow, be sure to focus on the Shadow skill line first, and the Siphoning skill line second. The Nightblade is one of six playable classes in The Elder Scrolls Online. Race Choices For Stamina Builds: The best choice at the moment is Redguard for PvE DPS. Elder Scrolls Online: 10 Best Nightblade Builds, Ranked (For 2020) Playing a Nightblade in Elder Scrolls Online can be really fun, but these builds certainly make it a smoother process. Characters are not restricted in the types of weapons they use in The Elder Scrolls Online. We can combine this with Innate Axiom for even more damage (and healing) since most of the skills we use are also class abilities. Followed by Breton, probably. If you don’t intend to do trials, then it doesn’t really matter which race you go for. He's a business owner, video game journalist, and role playing game aficionado. The goal of Shadowstrike is to strike fast and hard from the shadows without giving your target the chance to fight back. Good for ganking too. This is a Nightblade Stamina DPS build for ESO, intended for most players. Brawler Description. They perform well in a group or a solo setting, depending on how you set up your build. Q: What is the best race for Nightblade? As for races, both stealth races are in the dominion. Rather, players should select Medium Armor for the Nightblade. When worn, Medium Armor grants bonuses in: To take full advantage of the Medium Armor bonuses, equip your character with as much Medium Armor as possible, as quickly as possible. You will be able to explore and complete quests across all factions regardless of your initial choice, but your PvP allegiance will never change. Welcome to the Nightblade build section of the website. Suggested Races, Mundus, Food & Potions Altmer, Dunmer, Khajiit and Breton. ESO GUIDES. Choose, Dexterity (increased critical strike chance). ESO Nightblade Tank Introduction Nightblade Tanks (Aka NBs) are rather an unpopular choice of Tank in The Elder Scrolls Online. Which race should I choose? There are ten playable races in ESO. ESO Classes in Elder Scrolls Online are pre-made character roles equipped with skills that players are free to gear out towards their intended purpose within an adventuring party. For the Timeless Blessing (Perfected)(Asylum staff), it doesn’t matter whether you use the imperfect or perfect version, the difference is super small. The Elder Scrolls Online has a robust character creation system, and you can play any character class with any Race. Learn about the most powerful Nightblade class builds from top raiders and PvPers. However, there are racial bonuses to consider which in my opinion are not insignificant if you really care about squeezing every bit out of your character. With that said, some Races are better suited for specific classes (for more information be sure to read The Best Elder Scrolls Online Race). ESO Nightblade Builds. Q: What is the best race for Nightblade? The ESO Nightblade Healer build has a fascinating combination of abilities that allow it to competently dish out ... Healers currently go for Breton for the excellent sustain Breton provides. ". ... for the Elder Scrolls Online! Picking the right Race can be very important for your character in The Elder Scrolls Online! Welcome to’s Magicka Nightblade DPS PvP Build, Crimson Reaper, for the Elder Scrolls Online! If you are new to ESO, please make sure to … The Elder Scrolls Online has passed its 5 year anniversary, so it’s understandable that the game has gone through many many changes during … Brawler is a Stamina Nightblade PVE Build relying on Critical damage and strong attacks to kill fast your enemies. Discussing the top Racial choices for the Nightblade class and what they are capable of doing. All these are common questions for newcomers, and we answer them all! Stamina Nightblade is one of the most popular classes to play in ESO, but it’s also one of the most challenging to play well, and especially to play solo. Vampire characters come with a pretty heft cost increase to your non-vampire abilities, and being a Breton greatly helps mitigate that cost increase via its 7% cost reduction and 100 magicka recovery. Racial Skills in Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) are special passive bonuses that players may unlock as they level up. For other uses, see Nightblade. However, there are racial bonuses to consider which in my opinion are not insignificant if you really care about squeezing every bit out of your character. I always first recommend choosing a race which you like playing. I. W ant to know what is the Best Race of Elder Scrolls Online?What Race is best for your build in ESO?How to pick your Race and Class in ESO? ESO BEST Racial Armour for DRAGONKNIGHT - Duration: 11:47. 1. The Khajit are a natural choice for a Nightblade as they have a race-based bonus to their stealth radius. So thanks for watching and have a great day. [COMPLETE] ESO Website for maintenance – January 14, 7:00AM EST (12:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC) Best new nightblade race . ... ESO Nightblade 1-50 Leveling Guide/Build - Duration: 20:12. Helpful ESO Addons You Should Consider Using, Watch live video from Waruwan on This build has it all in one package. So, in order to get the best possible build (and start to the game) for your new Nightblade, here is a list of races and Nightblade builds they are most effective with: Relying variously on stealth, blades, and speed, Nightblades thrive on conflict and misfortune, trusting to their luck and cunning to survive. Which race should I choose? The Build is designed for players that prefer to play Solo, challenging themselves in any type of PVE content. November 2, 2020 . Focused around the vampire simmering frenzy skill mixed with high health recovery, this build has the ability to switch between tank … ESO-Sets, ESO-Skillbook and ESO-Housing are becoming ESO-Hub. W ant to know what is the Best Race of Elder Scrolls Online?What Race is best for your build in ESO?How to pick your Race and Class in ESO? Elder Scrolls Online: 10 Best Nightblade Builds, Ranked (For 2020) Playing a Nightblade in Elder Scrolls Online can be really fun, but these builds certainly make it a smoother process. Nightblade Builds for ESO. Especially with the change to Siphoning Attacks, the extra Sustain really helps in long encounters. You can take a look at my comparison table of racial bonuses which will give you a brief overview of their usefulness for particular roles and builds. The Elder Scrolls Online: Race Breakdown | Tips | Prima Games. They're fairly well rounded characters so they can do well in any of the classes, even as a Dragonknight they're not bad what with their sword buff. Best Race For A Nightblade. Racial skills can be very benefitical to specific classes within the game. I want to focus on PVP. Races in Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) determine your character's allegiance and starting area. The Best Class & Race Combinations in ESO Breton - Templar for swordplay and spellcraft, Sorcerer for spellcraft, magicka, conjuration magic and spell resistance for defensive purposes. 2. Each race has 4 bonuses: one that is unlocked by selecting the race, one that unlocks at rank 5, one that unlocks at rank 10 and one that unlocks at rank 25. Best Nightblade Stamina DPS Race: Orc > Redguard > Wood Elf (Bosmer) Nightblade Stamina DPS Attributes: All Stamina Should I play as a Vampire or Werewolf as a Nightblade Stamina DPS: No there is no reason to unless you really want to. All the information you need to know about the Nightblade skill tree in The Elder Scrolls Online. ... Weaving is an obscure and often misunderstood mechanic in Elder Scrolls Online. Where to Find Skippy, The Talking Gun - Cyberpunk 2077 Guide. The build is updated for Elsweyr. Feel free to get in touch through our contact form if you want your stream or link featured here! Best Race For A Nightblade. If you’re contemplating being a Nightblade, all you’re told is: Nightblades are adventurers and opportunists with a gift for getting in and out of trouble. Make sure to bookmark the link as I will keep updating the build for each new Update of ESO. Go. On this page you will find an updated guide on the class, gear, champion points and everything you need to know for Stamina Nightblade DPS. I made a Bosmer nightblade that I wanted to play as DW and bow (stam build). Hi, I haven't played ESO in 2 years and I wanted to come back and try to go with a stam nightblade. Races (Morrowind) | Elder Scrolls | Fandom The reason for this is because the NB offers no real unique group benefit, every buff/debuff applied by the NB can be obtain by some other source. Most gear sets for this build can be easily farmed or bought on guild traders and the easy one bar rotation means no complicated bar swapping is ne Orcs, and High Elf’s currently provide the highest DPS output. It is a class more suited for stealth and surprise attacks rather than survivability. Top DPS, tanking, and healing builds all in one place, along with hundreds of useful tips about raiding, dungeons, delves, leveling, PvP, weapons, spell rotations, and more… He's currently on his third playthrough of Skyrim, and is playing as a Templar in The Elder Scrolls Online. If you’re the type of player that prefers to launch hidden attacks from the shadows, the Nightblade will most definitely match your playing style. Also, learn Dual Wield for bonus damage multipliers. Due to their skulking nature however, Nightblades tend to favor daggers and small swords for close combat wet work, and bows for long range sneak attacks. The build is updated for Elsweyr. The TOXIC RAIDER Build is an EASY One Bar set up for the Stamina Nightblade class in The Elder Scrolls Online with a focus on Bow as the primary weapon. Welcome to’s Stamina Nightblade Build PvE, Y’ffre’s Blade, for the Elder Scrolls Online! Want to play as a vampire but can't get their skill line to actually work with your build? Nightblades rely primarily on stealth, and need to allocate as many points as possible to Stamina and Magicka (as opposed to Health) to take advantage of their unique skill sets. ... Dragonknight Sorcerer Nightblade Templar Warden Necromancer Weapon Armor World Guild Alliance War Racial Craft Pvp ... Champion Point Leveling Calculator; Search. A Stamina Nightblade that’s built to be durable, have amazing recoveries and can do incredible damage. Nightblades aren’t tanks that can soak up a ton of damage, and need to play the game from the shadows — avoiding conflict when necessary, and striking foes when the odds are in their favor. Welcome to the Stamina Nightblade Build PvP “Assassin” for Elder Scrolls Online. Templar : maybe the weakest, but also the safer, you won't get much damage active skills from your class but you'll have access to a lot of sustain … This unofficial fansite is not affiliated with, sponsored or endorsed by Zenimax or Bethesda, or any other publishers or operators of the video games mentioned. We cover a variety of games and expansions including World of Warcraft, Cyberpunk 2077, Fallout 4, The Outer Worlds and other AAA and indie game titles. These bonuses vary from Race to Race, ldeading to better performance by some Classes than others. The Nightblade Class is a great choice for players who enjoy playing Solo in The Elder Scrolls Online, due to strong its strong defensive and healing options and wide array of buffs and debuffs. When he’s not working he enjoys reading, writing, and playing video games. With that said, some Races are better suited for specific classes (for more information be sure to read The Best Elder Scrolls Online Race). The Nightblade is arguably the most thrilling class to play in The Elder Scrolls Online. The build is balanced around solo and group gameplay. However, they do feature health-draining skills. The best race for ... POPULAR ESO BUILDS. Out of the four Races mentioned above, the Khajiit and Wood Elf are the two most natural choices for the Nightblade. by dottzgaming . Once you have taken a look at the leveling guide on this website and have finally hit CP 160, you should be looking into acquiring gear for an ‘end-game’ setup. by Hack The Minotaur. But as the gameplay becomes harder and more competitive, it is important to choose the right race … We have several skills that will help you escape if you are caught stealing. Prev 1 2 Next. I always first recommend choosing a race which you like playing. You can use it to defeat Overworld Bosses, farm Public Dungeons, complete 4-man Dungeons in Normal or Veteran Difficulty and Solo Arenas like Maelstrom Arena and Vateshran Hollows . You can find Shane on, Playing A Nightblade In The Elder Scrolls Online, ESO Will Have Limited Mac Support in the Future, The Elder Scrolls Online Exciting Overhaul Update! Shane Scarbrough is the founder of the Skyrim Fansite. While you can cloak up to assassinate single enemies, they will struggle fighting against groups. Welcome to our ESO Stamina Nightblade DPS Build called The Specter. Orcs, and High Elf’s currently provide the highest DPS output. For the class you definitely want a nightblade. Playable Races []. Here you can find all the Nightblade builds for the Elder Scrolls Online. Although active skills are important for its gameplay, this Thief Build relies mostly on passive skills from Legerdemain, Thieves Guild and Va… A fun DPS Build for people who's play style fits in with an assassins. The Elder Scrolls Online has a robust character creation system, and you can play any character class with any Race. Race Choices For Stamina Builds: The best choice at the moment is Redguard for PvE DPS. The Nightblade is one of six playable classes in The Elder Scrolls Online. ESO Nightblade Tank Introduction Nightblade Tanks (Aka NBs) are rather an unpopular choice of Tank in The Elder Scrolls Online. Depending on your choice, you will select a Faction for your character and set forth within a specific zone. Welcome to our guide for Nightblade tanking, ... Race is a very important choice in ESO if you plan on making your character as powerful as possible. If you prefer indirect combat from a distance, the Wood Elf makes a better choice than the Khajiit due to the Archery bonus. Let’s start with the META Stamina DPS Best:Orc Alternatives:RedguardWood ElfDark ElfKhajiit Magicka DPS Best:High Elf Alternatives:BretonDark ElfKhajiit Healer Best:Breton Alternatives:ArgonianHigh ElfKhajiit Tank Best:Nord Alternatives:RedguardImperialArgonian Why? Last updated on March 9th, 2020. For PvE magicka tanking, Imperial is the best race (as it is for any form of tanking), but Dunmer with their stam bonus is arguably the second best race and the best race among the magicka races. ESO Nightblade Tank Build. Harrowstorm & Update 25 Overview, Take a Cool Screenshot, Win a Cyberpunk 2077 Laptop, CDPR Co-Founder Issues Another Apology, Lays out Update Schedule, Lucasfilm Games Announces New Star Wars Game from Ubisoft and Indiana Jones Game from Bethesda, New Cyberpunk 2077 Mods Offer 3rd Person, Male Romance With Judy, CDPR Quietly Adds DLC Page to Cyberpunk 2077 Website, Where to Find Skippy, The Talking Gun – Cyberpunk 2077 Guide, Where To Find The Manzanita St. Garage – Cyberpunk 2077 Guide, Cyberpunk 2077 Walkthrough – How to Get Vintage Samurai Clothing. If you are new to the game I can also highly recommend checking out the Stamina Nightblade Beginner Guide along with a lot of other beginner guides. When you download that initial patch for Elder Scrolls Online and start it up on your Xbox One and PS4 console, you'll be met with a choice that'll determine the … Rather it's meant to serve as a template to help players who want to play as vampires fit the vampire skills in their playstyle. Build Written By: Dottz Gaming – PC NA. This build is intended for Trials, Dungeons and general PvE content. Sorry for re asking the question because, I did write d... EIP Gaming is a site for gamers looking for gaming guides and gaming news! Solo Magicka Nightblade PvE Build ESO – Crimson Death . Imperials, Redguards and Orcs make for best tanks, and Breton, High Elf and Dark Elf best mages. Best Race For A Nightblade. Brawler - Stamina Nightblade One Bar SOLO PVE Build - Hack The Minotaur There are no armor restrictions in The Elder Scrolls Online, and characters can wear whatever they choose. RNC shows you the rotation, various gear setups, Champion Points allocation and a couple tips on Magicka Nightblade DPS for the Stonethorn DLC patch. We back bar Jorvuld’s so our Aggressive Warhorn benefits from the extra d… As is the case with other classes, Nightblades can have many different builds and party roles, and no race is best at everything (except maybe Breton which I always like due to their all-around useful bonuses). Welcome to the Magicka Nightblade Healer Build PvE “Illusion” for Elder Scrolls Online. 0. Stamina Nightblades have fantastic single target and AoE damage using a combination of dual wield and bows. Lean towards a dual wield, instead of a bow, to take advantage of the bonus. This build is intended for playing solo PvE content, such as questing, public dungeons, Maelstrom Arena, ... Breton – Definitely the best race … Every Race in ESO can fulfil every role in-game from Damage Dealer to Tank and Healer. What is the best race I could choose for a stam nightblade? If you wanted to swap between these two roles I’d recommend a Breton, as their magicka cost reduction on spells is useful for every build in the game. Lots of the optional side-missions in Cyberpunk 2077 ha... Where To Find The Manzanita St. Garage - Cyberpunk 2077 Guide. Races in Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) determine your character's allegiance and starting area. In addition, the video covers what races are best for each role in the game, as that is more important when deciding what race … Each race has a home province (with the exception of Orcs), as well as an alliance that they are a member of. As all those who play RPGs or MMOs know very well - the first decision you make in the game is often the most crucial. Check out this Unique HYBRID PVE build for the Nightblade Class! Best Race Choices for a Nightblade. The Elder Scrolls Online has a robust character creation system, and you can play any character class with any Race. This Stamina Nightblade or Stamblade PVE DPS Build for Elder Scrolls Online ESO will provide to you a build capable of all content in the game. Elder Scrolls Online Best Race for Every Class Build. It is a class more suited for stealth and surprise attacks rather than survivability. Shadowstrike Description. The Elder Scrolls Online has a robust character creation system, and you can play any character class with any Race. 5. ESO Racial Passives Guide and Best Race for Each Role This video is a complete guide to racial passives in the Elder Scrolls Online Wrathstone patch. It is not the best class to parse with but still performs well in a raid in the execute phase and also with a support that wears Morag Tong which buffs your spells. For The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Best race for stamina focused Nightblade? You will be able to explore and complete quests across all factions regardless of your initial choice, but your PvP allegiance will never change. For stealth you want medium armour, since medium armour line has stealth passives and stamina management. Each race has 4 bonuses: one that is unlocked by selecting the race, one that unlocks at rank 5, one that unlocks at rank 10 and one that unlocks at rank 25. ESO Nightblade Archer Assassin Build. Let’s start with the META Stamina DPS Best:Orc Alternatives:RedguardWood ElfDark ElfKhajiit Magicka DPS Best:High Elf Alternatives:BretonDark ElfKhajiit Healer Best:Breton Alternatives:ArgonianHigh ElfKhajiit Tank Best:Nord Alternatives:RedguardImperialArgonian Why? War Maiden is our main damage set on this build and it’s a perfect set for Magicka Nightblade, as most of our main skills do Magic Damage. Stamina Nightblade PvP Build ESO – Phantom . Most traditional MMOs have restrictive class skills, which are a subset of your weapon choice, but ESO provides a lot more freedom for players to tailor their builds for any role with any class. ... Race: Orc. The Elder Scrolls Online has passed its 5 year anniversary, so it’s understandable that the game has gone through many many changes during … The Thieves Guild patch finally fixed the Khajiit passive which makes them another top contender for maximum DPS now. Depending on your choice, you will select a Faction for your character and set forth within a specific zone. The best race in Elder Scrolls Online. Best Race For A Nightblade. See our ESO Builds section for more builds. 29. However, they do feature health-draining skills. The Illusion Healer Build is made for Dungeons & Trials. ... Race. If you have any questions about the Nightblade Magicka PvP build, leave a comment below. Role: Damage Dealer. Mundus: Thief. Here are some favorite Nightblade DPS Builds with great tips and advice to get you started. If you intend to go for the hardest endgame group content (Trials, aka raids), as a Nightblade you will most likely be either a tank or a mage (fire destruction staff). !Written Version! 1. Phil DragonKing 12,665 views. I've only leved my bosmer to 7 and I was thinking about scrapping because all the feedback I've recieved was that this wasn't a good race choice and I should go Khajiit or redguard. The Nightblade is a rogue archetype that relies primarily on stealth and dark magic to incapacitate and kill an enemy. Shadowstrike is a Magicka Nightblade Gank PVP Build, designed for no-CP Open World Gameplay. Stamina Nightblade is an interesting class providing good burst damage as well as a strong execute phase thanks to Killer's Blade. This Nightblade Magicka PvP build has high burst damage and sustain with good utility skills for PvP. A warden will give you more of a ranger feeling (with pets), but you'll lose the invisibility from the nightblade. Nightblade Stamina DPS Build Basics. Nightblades benefit from stealth, and their unique skill set allows them to cause devastating damage at higher levels. Some great examples of Solo Nightblade Builds are below. This stamblade pvp build works to beat through tanky opponents and opponents that stack damage shields, both of which we are seeing more and more in today's Cyrodiil climate. The CATALYST Nightblade build is a unique hybrid class build for The Elder Scrolls Online that combines the Nightblade’s Shadow and Blood Magic class abilities with powerful Dual Wield and Destruction Staff skills along with Heavy Armor! Great alternate races can be found in our race guide here. Racial Skills in Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) are special passive bonuses that players may unlock as they level up. To complete the Reported Crime: Welcome to Night City m... RE:Take a Cool Screenshot, Win a Cyberpunk 2077 Laptop. For PvP, the main Dunmer advantages don't matter as much (using WoE in PvP is a very PvE thing to do ). Light armour is for mages. This build has really good burst damage but not the best survive-ability. Was thinking either Imperial or Redguard but I'm not sure. These bonuses vary from Race to Race, ldeading to better performance by some Classes than others. The Thieves Guild patch finally fixed the Khajiit passive which makes them another top contender for maximum DPS now. Your email address will not be published. Then this might be the thing for you. We run Olorime on the body, because we need Healing Springs to activate the buff. Best Race Choices for a Nightblade. All these are common questions for newcomers, and we answer them all! When you first create your character in The Elder Scrolls Online, you’re not given a whole lot of information regarding the four classes. Your top The Elder Scrolls Online resource, Buy The Elder Scrolls Online game and Crown Points -- cheaper than on official site. Choosing from Templar, Sorcerer, Nightblade, Dragonknight and Warden can mean huge differences in abilities, passives, skills and other attributes for your character’s build. The reason for this is because the NB offers no real unique group benefit, every buff/debuff applied by the NB can be obtain by some other source. Read more about the Nightblade skill tree. As such, the following Races make excellent Nightblades due to their race-based bonuses: Argonian, Ebonheart Pact, Health, Natural healing ability frees up points to be spent on Magicka and Stamina, Breton, Daggerfall Covenant, Magicka,Increased Magicka pool to draw from, Khajiit, Aldmeri Dominion, Stealth | Melee Combat, Known for stealth and agility, Wood Elf, Aldmeri Dominion, Stealth | Stamina, Also has Archery bonus for long range sneak attacks.