The Journey Begins in Antioch 1. The missionary voyages of the apostle Paul from Jerusalem to Rome. Paul’s 3rd Missionary Journey. Paul’s Third Missionary Journey. Paul’s Trip to Rome. Paul’s Second Missionary Journey (Acts 15:36–18:22) – (Circa 49–51) Paul and Silas revisited the places in Asia Minor where Paul had preached on his first journey (cf. Paul’s first missionary journey is found in Acts 13 and 14. This Acts map shows Paul's first and second Missionary Journeys that are described in the Book of Acts. Throughout this trip, Paul visited many of the locations from his first and second missionary journeys. PAUL'S MISSIONARY JOURNEYS and LETTERS. Paul’s third missionary journey began in Antioch since Antioch was the Church that had sent him out originally. A larger Acts map and blank map are provided below. Saul's father was of the tribe of Benjamin and he was a strict Pharisee, a Jew with unmixed blood. During Paul’s third missionary journey (Acts 18:23-20:38) he continued to preach fervently and God confirmed his message through miracles. Map 18. It shows the likely paths over land and sea, drawing from the Digital Atlas of the Roman Empire and other research. Acts 20:7-12 tells us of Paul at Troas where a young man who was sitting in an upstairs window sill, went to … Spread of Christianity during 1st and 2nd Centuries. Exact date is not known. All 15 / OT Books 0 / Old Testament Timelines 7 / New Testament Timelines 9 / NT Books 0 / Homepage 0 / Basics 0 / Beyond the Basics 0 / Timelines 0 . map), while Barnabas took John Mark and sailed to Cyprus. A Harmony Of The Life Of Paul 2 A Harmony Of The Life Of Paul Table Of Contents Paul's Life Prior To Conversion 3 The Conversion Of Paul (36 A.D.) 6 Paul’s Early Years Of Service (36-45 A.D.) 10 First Missionary Journey, And Residence In Antioch (45-49 A.D.) 13 This map overlays Paul's missionary journeys onto an interactive view of Roman provinces, settlements, and the all-important road network. Read more: A map of Paul’s missionary journeys, London-Underground Style. This map also shows much of the Roman Empire in the time of Paul and his journeys. This journey most likely took place between 52-57 A.D. Paul’s First Missionary Journey 1 Chapter 5 Paul’s First Missionary Journey Acts 13 u Acts 13 - 14:28 u Length – 2 years u 45 - 47 A.D. u Total miles traveled – Approximately 1,235 A. The church at Antioch was blessed with good teachers. The Life and Journeys of the Apostle Paul - An Outline In the beginning… c. 10-33AD Saul was born in Tarsus, c.10AD, shortly after the birth of Jesus Christ. The background starts with ancient Roman provinces, then reveals roads and cities as you zoom in. Paul's First & Second Missionary Journey maps now include a blank version! Missionary Journey 3. Timeline of Salvation History. A comprehensive map of all the journeys taken by St. Paul in his lifetime is yet to be completed. Paul's First Missionary Journey, with Barnabas to Cyprus and Asia Minor c AD46-48 and Its Sequel, the Council at Jerusalem c AD49. Paul and Silas visited Derbe, Lystra, and Antioch in Pisidia. Great for preaching and Sunday School. Paul’s First Missionary Journey. A new map of Paul’s missionary journeys is a big upgrade from the print-based paradigm, giving you more details on demand and control over which routes are visible. Paul and Barnabas set sail with John as their helper from about 46 to 48 A.D. and their first stop was Cyprus. Acts 13 records that they made it to Salamis in Cyprus, and proclaimed the word of …

blank map of paul's missionary journeys 2021