sacratum (die ultimo triumphorum suorum); imperfectum autem diu manens ab Augusto confectum est. ), The Death of Caesar: The Story of History’s Most Famous Assassination. The forum Iulium was rectangular, about 115 metres long and 30 wide, surrounded by a colonnade and wall. Das Forum Iulium (oder Caesarforum) war das erste der Kaiserfora und als Erweiterung des alten Forum Romanum angelegt. Gesells. Nach dem großen Brand von 283 n. Chr. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. Hermes 1875, 342‑343; Gilb. While the Forum of Caesar, underwent some renovations in time of Trajan and the year after the fire 283 d. C. Work was probably begun in 51, during Caesar’s absence in Gaul (Suet. Die Errichtung des 54 v. Chr. ), The forum was burned in 283 A.D. and restored by Diocletian (Chron. The back end of the forum butted up against the tuff ridge that connected the Quirinal Hill to the Capitoline Hill, removed in the construction of the Forum of Trajan (probably under Domitian). 1891, 99‑112). Jahr nach Gründung der Stadt, © Dr. Sven Keller 1997-2021, alle Rechte vorbehalten. d. k. sächs. Temple and forum were dedicated on the last day of Caesar’s great triumph, 26th September, 46 B.C. Reconstruction, the Forum of Caesar or Forum Iulium in ancient Rome, Rekonstruktion, Das Caesarforum oder Forum Iulium, im antiken Rom. 13). I.583.4277.) The panel was originally one of a series that decorated the exterior of the Temple of Venus Genetrix in the Forum Iulium, Rome. 22; but by Octavianus after the dictator’s death. Cite this page as: Darius Arya, The American Institute for Roman Culture, “Forum Iulium/Caesaris (Forum of Julius Caesar)” Ancient Rome Live. Dio), although some scholars believe that this is a mistake for the temple of divus Iulius in the forum (see Jord. This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon this content non-commercially, as long as they credit the author and license their new creations under the identical terms. Caesar had vowed the temple in 48 BC and inaugurated the site on his triumph in 46 BC, before it was completed (Dio History 43.22.1-2); Augustus saw to its completion. III.224‑227; LR 302‑304; ZA 34‑36; Mem. Die Arbeiten hatten mit Veränderungen am Forum Romanum (Neubau der niedergebrannten Curia, Renovierung der Basilica Aemilia) begonnen, später folgte eine Ausdehnung in das dicht besiedelte Wohngebiet auf dem Sattel zwischen Quirinal und Kapitol. More land was acquired afterwards, and the final cost is said to have been one hundred p226 million sesterces, about £1,000,000 Suet. Dio, LIX.11.2‑3). von: Maiuro, Marco. Vollendet wurde der Bau aber erst nach dem Tod Caesars durch seinen Erben Octavian (den späteren Augustus). South side of Forum Iulium (via del Tulliano) looking northward into the large public latrine next to the Forum Iulium. Schauen Sie sich Beispiele für Forum Iulium-Übersetzungen in Sätzen an, hören Sie sich die Aussprache an und lernen Sie die Grammatik. Ptolemeu diu que pertanyia als carns. Das Forum Iulium (oder Caesarforum) war das erste der Kaiserfora und als Erweiterung des alten Forum Romanum angelegt. It was interpreted by Romans as a sign of the deification of recently assassinated dictator, Julius Caesar (100–44 BC). While the official designation was forum Iulium (Mon. 178‑180, 371‑372; Gilb. Vall. Es mussten zahlreiche Wohnhäuser der Subura abgerissen, Ausläufer des Kapitolshügels abgetragen und sogar die Curia des Senats verlegt werden. IV.16.9). All that remains of the forum is part of the enclosure wall of peperino on the south-west side (Via delle Marmorelle 29), 12 metres high and 3.70 thick, and some small vaulted chambers or tabernae opening into the corridor of the forum through a row of peperino arches with Anio tufa piers and travertine imposts (TF 46). Basilica Aemelia is not visible from here. L. Ungaro (Electa 2007). All that remains of the forum is part of the enclosure wall of peperino on the south-west side (Via delle Marmorelle 29), 12 metres high and 3.70 thick, and some small vaulted chambers or tabernae opening into the corridor of the forum through a row of peperino arches with Anio tufa piers and travertine imposts (TF 46). The senate house we see in the Forum today was built by Diocletian after a fire in AD 283. in BC 1915, 170, 346), although the forum was not finished by Caesar (cf. L. 5.xvii.153; ASA 54. Dio, Ἀφροδίσιον Cass. Jahrhundert v. Chr. The temple of Venus (aedes, Livy, Pliny, Suet., Vitr., templum, Ovid, Pliny, Tacitus, νεώς Appian, Cass. At this time Palladio (Quattro Libri dell’ Architettura 1570, IV. 46 B.C. dies iovis ante diem XII Kalendas Februarias MMDCCLXXIV ab urbe condita, Iuppitertag, 12. Figure 2: Remains of the Forum Iulium (or Forum of Caesar). Far eastern end of the archaeological area that looks towards Forum Iulium. Forum Iulium ) ist das älteste der vier Kaiserforen Roms , errichtet durch Gaius Iulius Caesar und dessen Nachfolger Augustus im 1. it appears regularly in our sources as forum Caesaris (locc. Nap. Vall. Cookies help us deliver our services. Die Planungen für die Anlage begannen spätestens 54 v. A piece of the architrave still exists in the Villa Medici. 1891, 99‑112). Caesar hatte den Tempel vor der Schlacht von Pharsalos für den Fall eines Sieges über Pompeius zu bauen gelobt. 178‑180, 371‑372; Gilb. Also visible is Mamertine prison. Foros imperiales-plano base.png 1,171 × 881; 41 KB. Anc.) Arv. Foro de Cesar-planta.png 1,264 × 881; 46 KB. which thus became in effect a porticus surrounding the temple, a type followed in all the later fora. L. Richardson, Jr., A New Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome (Johns Hopkins 1992) 165-167. Verfasser: Maiuro, Marco. 22‑24; CIL X.1624). The forum was rectangular in shape, about 125 metres long and 90 wide, and joined the forum Iulium on the north-east, its longest axis being perpendicular to that of the latter. Foros imperiales-superposición.jpg 1,304 × 881; 406 KB. I.I.84‑85), on which the dictator was mounted (Ber. 148). The Fiscus and its jurisdiction in I century CE Rome’, in F. De Angelis (ed.