Chupacabratch is a Legendary Hunt from Borderlands 3 and can be found in Athenas. He’s also in Athenas, in the center of the map. The other factor that makes Captain Traunt a good boss to farm is how manageable the fight is. The last 4 runs he didnt drop a single legendary. I have been farming captain traunt on my first playthrough to farm some money and hope for nice loot. One suggestion will be to use it with the Fl4K Crit build. I'm just gonna throw the results here as well as a video foor anyone who's interested in farming chests for random loot. Captain Traunt is an extremely tanky boss. Cookies help us deliver our Services. The Loot Tink will often drop a legendary and a backpack full of stuff that may also have legendaries. General Traunt is the older brother of Captain Traunt who you face in the Footsteps Of Giants mission where he will be waiting for you to take revenge and prevent you from getting to the vault.. [BL3] I've been farming Captain Traunt for a week trying to get a cryo Lucian's Call on Mayhem 3 and I'm about to throw in the towel. Tyreen, Killavolt, Katagawa Jr, Graveward… All useless! Don’t worry about your drops or any gear you have until level 50, you’ll be replacing it anyway so just equip what you need, sell the rest, and grind those quests. Also it's better to just save and quit after you loot traunt. Luckily I feel like %80 of bosses drop at least one legendary in my first 3 attempts. Legendary items represent the pinnacle of your character’s power in Borderlands 3. Captain Traunt is essentially a more advanced version of the Heavies you’ve fought to so far and combines both the Pyro and Cryo variants of the enemies. On Promethea in Skywell-27 is a rare enemy called the Dinklebot. He’s also in Athenas, in the center of the map. Captain Traunt is best defeated at level 15 or higher. Some players have reported getting five legendaries at a time this way! He is a bigger and stronger version similar to other heavy units who is capable of dealing a lot of damage and has unique attacks that can get to you if you get careless or stay still in the wrong place at the wrong time. When your inventory becomes full, you have a Lost Loot Machine that’ll scoop up the higher rarity items for you and store them for later use. RELATED: Use This Borderlands 3 Build To Melt Bosses Fast. Right now this is the best place to farm legendaries and it’s prime for a hefty patch. It’s a straight forward farm that’s easy to do with the only downside of getting boring after a while. Once you have all of Crazy Earl’s legendaries or need a change of pace, move on to farming bosses for randomized legendaries. RELATED: Borderlands 3: Legendary Gun Farm For Fast Weapons. Captain Traunt. NEXT: Borderlands 3: How To Farm Bosses Fast. Whenever you’re in a party the game counters this by upping the difficulty, upping the difficulty also improves the loot drop rates, meaning the odds of legendaries dropping and how many fall will be improved in a party. The key to beating him is in keeping his shields down. shotgun (Mayhem Mode 6 and above). If we ignore the range of bullets, given that it is a sniper, and the ammo management, it is a Monster of a weapon to use and carry as a main weapon. He's in a Heavy armor and will deal both fire & ice attacks. Hey fellow vault hunters, I need some help. Is there a better way to get consistent world drops that I've been missing out on (That doesn't involve Loot-O-Grams)? Captain Traunt can drop Legendary gear when killed (and he's super easy to kill), making him an ideal boss to farm for the Doom shotgun. Captain Traunt is an extremely tanky boss. I have a 50% drop chance of legendaries of him. BL3 – How to get or farm Kaoson (Drop Location) The enemy that drops this weapon is Captain Traunt. Captain Traunt. Kill him, loot, warp back to sanctuary to sell off, save quit and repeat. Trying to farm captain traunt. From Graveward to Captain Traunt, all the way to Katagawa Ball, you can melt these bosses with the correct builds. Kill him, loot, warp back to sanctuary to sell off, save quit and repeat. Captain Traunt is the fourth boss in Borderlands 3. If you followed the advice above to up your movement speed it’s not as problematic, but it’s annoying regardless. I start in sanctuary, fast travel to athenas and run to his area. Do you save and quit? That means getting your character to level 50. Gearbox. That should make them respawn. Most of the challenge in fighting him comes from his massive amount of health and shields. I don’t like the fact that you need to do the same mission twenty five times to complete an event challenge. The weapon also excels in Singling out Bosses and melting them. Can I play how I want to play? I love farming, but this is tedious af, because you need to do everthing again. We've found 10 of the best places to farm these much-coveted orange items in Borderlands 3. 'Borderlands 3' Loot the Universe is happening on Nekrotafeyo. On TVHM M10 + Lootsplosion + Butt Stallion Milk. If you’re legendary farming and have more than you can carry this will save you the redundant trip to pick up the last two or three. So your first important step is to level up your character to the current level cap. Similar to his brother, General Traunt is also a heavy enemy but uses corrosive and shock type attacks unlike his younger brother. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. Captain Traunt is one of the toughest bosses to beat in Borderlands 3, so equip your most powerful shock weapon and grab a few pals before jumping in. BL3 – How to get or farm Kaoson (Drop Location) The enemy that drops this weapon is Captain Traunt. Aurelia. Like the other Maliwan heavy troops you've faced on Athenas, Captain Traunt's weak spot is the elemental canister mounted behind his head. He is located on Athenas. Drawn to darker and more horrifying games, he enjoys diving into the lore, secrets, philosophies, and complex characters found in those grim worlds. Press J to jump to the feed. Also I think Red chest are on a timer. The Sentinel Front Loader Shield is not a guaranteed drop. Basically, you just need to kill the Dinklebot over and over again until your pack is full then deposit them one at a time, hoping his legendaries drop. Sentinel Front Loader Drop Not Guaranteed. It’s kind of like playing slots with the added step of robotic murder. To get this gun you simply need to kill the Gigamind boss on Promethea once you’re level 50. ; Load into the Athenas – Drop Pod. Until you hit level 50 and have a character that’s Mayhem level 3 viable, focus on power leveling as quickly as you can. You’ll need a character that can survive this extremely challenging state if you want to farm for legendaries effectively. At this difficulty, bosses are much more likely to drop legendaries. Normally they’re hard to find but there is one on Eden-6 at Jakob’s Estate that’s a guaranteed spawn. I have been farming captain traunt on my first playthrough to farm some money and hope for nice loot. Long after the story has been resolved, the bosses have been beaten and you’ve cleared the game on the hardest difficulty you’ll be grinding for better and better gear. Two grays were closed. After inflicting enough damage, players can knock out his shields and chisel away at his health. And now %100 if I remember to switch to my Loaded Dice relic right before they die. Bosses and Loot Pools Like in previous Borderlands games, the Bosses in Borderlands 3 also have a unique legendary item assigned to them. The only downside to this method is that Chupaabrath requires a bit of a jog to get to as he’s not very close to a save point. News, Speculations, Memes, Artwork....... So either grab a friend or make some and get to farming. Captain Traunt is a combination of … His drop rate is phenomenal for legendaries so don’t be surprised if you start swimming in orange gear after a few dozen runs. The other nice thing about Captain Traunt is once you defeat him a room opens up with three chests that also have the chance to drop legendaries. Another simple farm you can spam is hunting the Chupacabratch. Collect 25 ectoplasmic , talk to maurice, kill captain hunt and repeat. The Legendary Item's drop-rate has been significantly lowered in the recent Patches, requiring players to actually choose the right spots to farm Legendary Items efficiently. To minimize the grotesque number of months it’ll take to outfit your character with the best legendary gear there are some tips you can apply that will help out dramatically. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I start in sanctuary, fast travel to athenas and run to his area. His only hope is there are other odd balls out there who are also attracted to the writhing things found in the digital void. While farming Katagawa Jr for Sandhawk a couple days ago, it was raining legendaries! It doesn’t always spawn so if you can’t find it reset the game and try again. From Graveward to Captain Traunt, all the way to Katagawa Ball, you can melt these bosses with the correct builds. The single best thing you can do to improve your legendary drop rates and cut down on grinding time is to do your farming at the maximum difficulty level. Using a shotgun on the orb on Captain Traunt's back is the most efficient way to remove his shield. Kaoson (SMG, farm from Captain Traunt in Athenas in Mayhem 6+) – A kill SMG that I’m using on all characters, does big splash damage on reload. For most players, farming one using Captain Traunt is going to be the ideal method. All information about drop location and farming. Movement speed cuts down on how long it takes to travel to farming areas and returning to your vault or the shop to unload your goodies. Captain Traunt is the fourth boss in Borderlands 3. While many legendaries are only obtained through random drops from the loot pool, there are a few items that have clear cut steps to obtain them. OPQ System (AR, farm from Josie Byte, Franco Firewall or Joey Ultraviolet in the Villa or in wild boss … The great thing about Borderlands 3 is that there is a checkpoint before each boss. The best farming method to get you started is to grind for Loot-O-Grams. One option is Captain Traunt, he’s located on Athenas in Athenas and has the nice perk of being near a save point, saving you on travel time. Some of these legendaries are very powerful items that can make your loot farming a lot more efficient, so it’s a great idea to grab a few you think will be helpful before you commit to the grind. Borderlands 3. A high DPS will allow you to bring down bosses and minions a lot faster which cuts down on your grinding time, so ratcheting this up as high as you can get it will save you a lot of time in the long run. Location: Eden-6, Blackbarrel Cellars. General Traunt has a chance to drop the legendary S3RV-80S-EXECUTE pistol (Mayhem Mode 4 and above) and the D.N.A. No idea what the hell happened since then! Minecraft: 10 Things You Never Knew About Villages & Villagers, Borderlands 3: Legendary Loot Farming Tips, The 10 Best Weapon Easter Eggs in Borderlands 3, Use This Borderlands 3 Build To Melt Bosses Fast, Borderlands 3: Legendary Gun Farm For Fast Weapons, 10 Spock Memes Only True Star Trek Fans Will Understand, 10 PC Games You Probably Didn’t Know Came Out In 2020, 10 Pokemon That Can Learn Fire Blast That Aren't Fire-Types, 5 Of The Best GTA Clones Ever Made (& 5 Of The Worst), Assassin's Creed Valhalla: 10 Famous Real Viking Warriors (Who Aren't In The Game), World Of Warcraft Shadowlands: 5 Best DPS Classes (& 5 Worst), Assassin's Creed: 10 Fan Theories About The Games That Are So Crazy They Might Be True, Fallout 3: 5 Best Followers In The Game (& 5 Worst), Warzone: 10 Changes We Need To See In Season 2, Pokemon: The 10 Strongest GX Cards, Ranked, The 10 Biggest PlayStation 2 Games Turning 20 In 2021, The Sims: 10 Weird Character Customization Tips You Never Knew Existed, 5 PS5 Games You Didn't Know Were Coming In 2021 (& 5 Rumored Ones We Want), World Of Warcraft: 10 Things Fans Didn't Know About The Alliance, 10 Assassin's Creed Games With The Best Open-Worlds, The Elder Scrolls: Tamriel's 10 Most Mythical Jewelry Items, 10 PS4 Games You Forgot About (That Are Coming Out In 2021). After inflicting enough damage, players can knock out his shields and chisel away at his health. The Borderlands 3 Captain Traunt boss is a big ol' heavy. Borderlands 3 introduces a new game mechanic that many veterans and newcomers overlook, but will actually save you when it comes to legendary farming. 3. Best bosses to farm world drops? I mean, think about it. The issue is this: it seems about half the time, the one red chest and two gray chests in the vault behind him do not respawn. Kill him, loot, warp back to sanctuary to sell off, save quit and repeat. So get this upgraded and have it empty and ready to pick up any excess legendaries, just in case. Starting with a secret copy of Warcraft II on his parent’s Windows 95, Ben has developed a lifelong obsession with video games. If we ignore the range of bullets, given that it is a sniper, and the ammo management, it is a Monster of a weapon to use and carry as a main weapon. But I would farm one all the same just in case, particularly since these Cartel weapons may be time-limited just for this month. He's basically a souped up version of enemies you've already encountered that rears his big fat head … Right now that’s Mayhem difficulty level three. A one-stop shop for all things video games. As long as you save and quit they should respawn. I tend to farm easy bosses 3 times max then move on. Farm 1: You can farm General Traunt at this location, here. The key to beating him is in keeping his shields down. You name it! How to Kill Captain Traunt - Chapter 7: The Impending Storm How to Kill Katagawa Ball - Chapter 8: Space-Laser Tag How to Kill Katagawa Jr. - Chapter 9: Atlas, At Last Hey fellow vault hunters, I need some help. A great example is the Smart-Gun XXL, this is a strong corrosive SMG that spawns a Spider Gigamind every time you reload. The great thing about Borderlands 3 is that there is a checkpoint before each boss. There are a few ways to improve this, but mainly it’s making sure to not select a skill or equip any gear that’ll slow it down. Once you’re level 50 the two most important stats you need to prioritize with your gear is DPS and movement speed. This makes farming bosses less tedious as you can spawn just outside their doorstep when you want to defeat that boss again. And like already said, you’ll regret waisting time now. He’s resistant to fire, but goes down pretty easy, making it a quick farm. So make sure you increase the mayhem level beforehand and then start the farm. Loot Goblins, sorry Loot Tinks, are small enemies that are basically pinatas for rare loot. Everyone loves a legendary and we're cutting the grind. The two chests under the drop in point always do. This makes farming bosses less tedious as you can spawn just outside their doorstep when you want to defeat that boss again. To prioritize with your gear is DPS and movement speed it ’ s that. 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