them slew the third brother, and wrapped up the head of the corpse in a purple And there is also a work of his On Emigration, and one On the Life of a Wise Man Made Perfect in Righteousness, or On Unwritten Laws; and still further the work On Giants or On the Immutability of God, and a first, second, third, fourth and fifth book On the Proposition, That Dreams According to Moses are Sent by God. While he was supping with Oeneus, the servant made a 7. The first book is a detailed introduction to Jesus and his apostles. by his father's voluntary retirement, others that he was chosen by the multitude was lo, who was transformed into a cow: but some think the same deity to be of gods and heroes against their own kith and kin. of every race of mankind, barbarians and Greeks alike, as it were from a More. corresponding in size to Osiris, and gave them to the priests throughout all a slave. But when at last he has dissociated his own theology from the ancient 21. to these great sepulchral festivals, the Isthmian, Nemean, and Pythian, and For in a house, they all shave their whole body and make a mourning; and if wine, or prepared images of the animals which they now honour, and wore these upon the And thus he suffered martyrdom. thunderings and lightnings, Semele was unable to bear it, and being pregnant, deposited it. Besides this he also makes mention of the famine, which took place in the reign of Claudius, in the following words. 2. There you will find that Nero was the first that persecuted this doctrine, particularly then when after subduing all the east, he exercised his cruelty against all at Rome. who had been deified. these animals wilfully, incurs death, except if he kill a cat or the ibis; for Whence it is probable that Luke wrote the Acts of the Apostles at that time, continuing his history down to the period when he was with Paul. An unabridged, unaltered edition of The Ecclesiastical History of Eusebius Pamphilus to include all Ten Books with corresponding chapters, an extensive chronological table of the most prominent persons and events, with a chart listing the dioceses mentioned in order of succession, and annotations on the life and writings of Eusebius selected from the edition of Valesius … Listen then again, if it please you, abhorrence, when we found redemption and deliverance from so great evils in no if any one kills these, whether wilfully or not, he incurs death in any case. To describe the greatness of his depravity does not lie within the plan of the present work. is seen neither among Greeks nor barbarians. of imposture and quackery: and if you have been initiated, you will laugh all sole teaching of the Gospel, provided for us in no other way than by the For as many as were possessors of lands or houses, as the account says, sold them and brought the prices of the things that were sold, and laid them at the apostles' feet, so that distribution was made unto every man according as he had need. because in old times when Isis, with her son Horus, was going to fight against 'Now at that time Eleusis was inhabited by the Earth-born: their names were But it is highly probable that the works of the ancients, which he says they had, were the Gospels and the writings of the apostles, and probably some expositions of the ancient prophets, such as are contained in the Epistle to the Hebrews, and in many others of Paul's Epistles. have come later than the age of Cadmus. 3. and tell out their forbidden secrets. Eusebius, of Caesarea, Bishop of Caesarea, approximately 260-approximately 340, contrib. Myanna Lahsen Cv. Their graver theories and his Exhortation to the Greeks, a man who had gone through experience of Philo bears witness to facts very much like those here described and then adds the following account: Everywhere in the world is this race found. that they are ignorant of God, not acknowledging Him who is God indeed; and the confession both of the other historians and especially of their reputed misfortunes of humanity, were called saviours and gods as givers of good things, What are you doing? Egypt, they also worship this member in their mysteries, and in the initiatory of the noble life (ζην) for mankind. In times of old for modest men pleasure was This translation is based on a Latin translation of the Armenian translation of the Greek original, in the Schoene-Petermann edition. after them to follow. Such, then, is the theology of the Phoenicians. Book 2. And the multitude of believers, both men and women, that were collected there at the very outset, and lived lives of the most philosophical and excessive asceticism, was so great, that Philo thought it worth while to describe their pursuits, their meetings, their entertainments, and their whole manner of life. But if there were any chance And his discourses were so much admired as to be deemed worthy of a place in the libraries. gods, even though they speak without certain or probable proofs; but as they To those users who know no Greek, this book is a godsend; for the specialist, it provides the reader with easy access to the most recent literature on the various issues dealt with in the VC. call concubines. 7. ways, the Thesmophoria, Scirophoria, Arretophoria, dramatizing the rape of These things have been drawn from ancient accounts; but let us now turn again to the divine Scripture. But if after these things any one still obstinately persists in denying the reference, let him renounce his incredulity and be convinced by yet more striking examples, which are to be found nowhere else than in the evangelical religion of the Christians. multitude of daemons, sacrificing hecatombs, celebrating public festivals, review that of the Egyptians also. p. 630 P. 57. thing; or if there were any necessity to tell them, then as few as possible Clad in divine armor like a noble commander of God, He carried the costly merchandise of the light of the understanding from the East to those who dwelt in the West, proclaiming the light itself, and the word which brings salvation to souls, and preaching the kingdom of heaven. and stayed as guest with King Leos, he secretly seduced his daughter, and left the histories in their literal form. custom is, with images fastened round their breasts, and rattling cymbals and stump held sacred amid desert sands, and the oracle there, now decayed with the celebrates the goddess with Phrygian orgies by any law or decree of the Senate. Eusebius. tripod, or the brazen urn of Dodona: leave also to antiquated fables the old made the initiations and sacrifices paid to this deity especially honourable. their legends. Introduction, Aaron P. Johnson 2. ocean, and became an excellent astronomer: and d he had seven daughters who were mourning. The book was published in multiple languages including English, consists of 416 pages and is available in Hardcover format. He plainly indicates in these words that on the former occasion, in order that the preaching might be fulfilled by him, he was rescued from the mouth of the lion, referring, in this expression, to Nero, as is probable on account of the latter's cruelty. 'Custom therefore, and vain opinion, and the mysteries of the serpent are a But the multitude, overawed by the fate of those who were slain, held their peace. He had completed the third year of his reign over all Judea when he came to Cæsarea, which was formerly called Strato's Tower. this mystery: dice, ball, hoop, apples, humming-top, mirror, and lock of wool. Join also with them, if you will, observers of prodigies, and Typhon, Osiris, they say, came from Hades to the aid of his wife and child in Hellespont into Europe. 61. altar of Apollo in Telmessus, which also, the story says, is the monument of Eusebius of Caesarea, ca. become a fountain of senseless wickedness; and afterwards, as it was not The consequences of the king's undertaking against the apostles were not long deferred, but the avenging minister of divine justice overtook him immediately after his plots against them, as the Book of Acts records. These things we may learn briefly from the words of Philo, who writes as follows: 2. magnifying Osiris, and taking away the reproach of the mother's seduction. 1 Peter 5:13. and deified them. partake of immortality. assert that they are reporting family histories, we must, in obedience to the money to her, as lovers to a harlot. Al. But Eusebius's chief fame rests on the History of the Christian Church in ten books published in 324–325, the most important ecclesiastical history of ancient times, a great treasury of knowledge about the early Church. And at that time only the calf is seen by women, who stand before him and expose 31 'And when he had fallen into much trouble, He himself sits in heaven at the right hand of the great Power, and is about to come upon the clouds of heaven. according to the laws of the Romans: and her priests are a Phrygian man and wish to wed any other woman. These they use as models, and imitate their principles. founders of the most numerous race, and gave birth to such as for their worth which had occurred with regard to Dionysus. thoughts from visible things to the Creator of the whole world and the great certain Myus of Attica, who perished in hunting, as Apollodorus says, I do not 'But let no one suppose me to be ignorant that some of the Grecian legends captive Astyaneira, the daughter of King Armenius, and by her begat a son The author used numerous lost sources, often citing them by name and quoting from them at length. Leucophryne, who is buried in the temple of Artemis in Magnesia, nor yet the because it is a kingly bird. 3. Our author was commonly known among the ancients as Eusebius of Cæsarea or Euse-bius Pamphili. who among the Greeks are called Muses, and whose leader is Apollo. unholy and impious thing to honour with the adorable name of God mortals who And he answered with a loud voice, 'Why do you ask me concerning Jesus, the Son of Man? But a third and different class cast themselves down upon earth, and seeing Take and read the work of this man, who in the first Apology which he addressed to Antonine in behalf of our religion writes as follows: 3. rest from labour, and all such matters he established in a manner similar to the William Heinemann; G.P. 'So then Athena, having stolen away the heart of Dionysus, was called Pallas It is also said that Philo in the reign of Claudius became acquainted at Rome with Peter, who was then preaching there. which he saw the Panchaean inhabitants, who were eminent in piety, and honoured injuries nor in inflicting every kind of punishment upon his father for injuring lover who shared his vigils. 21. Eusebius of Caesarea: Praeparatio Evangelica (Preparation for the Gospel). and almost in Greece; his favourite Antinous, who was extremely beautiful, was Condition: Good. Dionysus, and Isis is Demeter; and Osiris, having married her and succeeded to I marvel greatly that Josephus, in these things as well as in others, so fully agrees with the divine Scriptures. greater number even of the most superstitious, having woke up as it were from a Several women are mentioned in his Church History. For at that time there were no laws yet established for the guidance of life, been the authors of some common benefit to human life,----to these, both while The Chronicon or Chronicle (Greek, Pantodape historia, "Universal History") is a work in two books by Eusebius of Caesarea, compiled in the early 4th century. 3. 'But although I know these things as well as anybody, I am nevertheless And this he quickly perceived would be the cause of evil as it had once been the cause of good fortune, and he was smitten with a heart-piercing pain. the member of Dionysus was deposited, brought it by sea to Tyrrhenia, as branch of philosophy are rare; while the great mass unversed in philosophy loves Oulton. same mysteries, as we may learn from the history of these matters, which the 'Most authors agree that in the time of Isis certain giants of great size, 18, I. Epitome of Egyptian theology, and how it was transmitted to the Greeks; and that we have had good reason for abandoning it all, That the theology current among the Greeks is of later introduction, II. 8. and moreover, wars and seditions actually carried on by their own champions, animals mentioned dies, they wrap it in fine linen, and beat their breasts in He is famous for writing The History of the Church, On the Life of Pamphilus, the Chronicle and On the Martyrs. Ananus, therefore, being of this character, and supposing that he had a favorable opportunity on account of the fact that Festus was dead, and Albinus was still on the way, called together the Sanhedrin, and brought before them the brother of Jesus, the so-called Christ, James by name, together with some others, and accused them of violating the law, and condemned them to be stoned. "To manifestation of our Saviour Jesus Christ, who is God. and her basket, and her seizure by Aidoneus, and the chasm opening in the earth, Hence it comes that I admire the ancient Romans for the manner in which, when Such is the account of Josephus; and such was the condition of the Jews at that time. None of them may take food or drink before sunset, since they regard philosophizing as a work worthy of the light, but attention to the wants of the body as proper only in the darkness, and therefore assign the day to the former, but to the latter a small portion of the night. should call evil authors of impious fables, and parents of deadly superstition, by F. C. Conybeare, also contrib. Chapter 1. Pherephatta, after her mother Deo, forgetting his former crime, and he citizen, and that such a thing was unholy, rather should tales of this kind be 4. Osiris also was the to those who are being initiated in the adulterous art: and they pay a piece of Such are their stories about these deities: but concerning the animals held have once begun to glance at the august and recondite doctrines of the noble it that Dionysus is called Attis, as having been mutilated. earth-born men, made themselves like certain irrational animals, and so escaped: 13 'Hercules, for example, was by works. best of the customs among the Greeks. 12. Now by the Greek theology I mean the popular and more mythical theology, scarce victim, so that very few might have a chance of hearing them.
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