And I think about our nametags being posted here, publicly, where everyone can see them -- like, that's a function of a team grid without it necessarily being a team grid, right? Thanks for joining us. Oh, my gosh, that's coming from my Maximizer theme. They do.
It's great being here. So it's just, it's just whatever you want to do that's most creative, that, that resonates with you, but the team can start to identify that value as well. She's so cool. 1 theme? So we talked about recognition and conflict in that, which seem opposite, but are actually, I think, maybe not opposites in that. People love that. And and that really is effective with those that work remotely and want to feel like they're tapped in and tuned in to the team that might be on site. Oh, how neat is that! I have a Marines son who's stationed overseas right now. But really, they're just pictures. Like and have cross-team collaboration, right. I've had new employees go out and look at their name tag just because they want to they want to get the right order. They get to kind of dictate what it says. And you know, Maximizer, Positivity. Yes. We've, we've talked -- in this team grid concept, you know, people make posters out of them, they post them. Jim Collison 15:55
And everyone created those cards with the stickers and whatever else they wanted to do. When you said, "Stickers," this kind of just -- we, we started with just a pile of stickers and some blank cards. I'm stealing it!
Your high Relator? So get, get signed up for that as well. We have no Influencing; we've gotta hire Influencers. Yeah, no, kind of. If you found this useful, we'd ask that you'd share it, and join us for another Called to Coach. There will be no extensions for this package! Are we Influencers? ®BCBA, BACB or any other BACB trademark used is/are registered to the Behavior Analyst Certification Board® (âBACB®â). Like, go here and see this deck; I put this Pinterest deck together. Jim Collison 23:21
This must be purchased separately here.
She works as a Learning and Development Consultant here at Gallup with me. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. The Virginia Tech College of Science loves when the calendar March 14 â or 3.14, or the mathematical constant known as Pi. Jaclynn Robinson 23:28
Understand the culture you have, define the one you want and make your organizational identity a competitive advantage. And so Part 4 is, I think, a natural conclusion to the series, as we talk about some very practical kind of activities, and some things will continue a little bit in the flavor of what we were talking about in Session 3, but maybe even with some more details. Because oftentimes, you just offered up a perfect example with Maximizer. Access Part 1 of the webcast series on managers and their teams, plus Part 2 and Part 3 of this 4-part series. And then that's read off in front of the room. And it's the partner that chooses a sticker that best represents that individual on the team. Because if we think about our personal and professional wellbeing, our family life, they're, they're a team. So for, you know, for Maximizer, it might be about, you know, I want to focus on excellence, or I'm here for the excellent work, or give me your excellent projects. You don't even need to be a trained coach. People love those things.
She's just, she's focused on, on the good of humans and wanting to fight for humans to make the world a better place. Which starts getting them thinking about the culture, and that might be a question I pose too if they're just simply looking at the Top 5 to say, Oh, we have a lot of Positivity here; we're high Individualization. How do we look at the other 7 themes in that domain, and then ask that question? One that Jacque Merritt likes to use, if you all know her, is, you know, "If you were in a bookstore, what section would you be in?" We'd love to have you come out for the summer and join us June 3, no, 1, 2, and 3. And I think that helps trigger people to go, "Oh, that's what this theme is about!" When you are purchasing 60 days access, that is what you get. You also get a course outline that includes required readings for each class that you need to complete before class, topics covered in each class, and all the items from the task list that is covered. In other words, and let me ask you, because this happens all the time: Teams get a hold of the grid, and they're missing something or they're, they're "all something," right. Yes, I encourage that all the time. And we spend a lot of time talking about them. Learn how to improve your studentsâ development and engagement so they can thrive in and out of the classroom. We still love ya. So choosing, it could be your No. Listen, Omaha in June -- it's no L.A.; it's better than L.A.!
One of the things I want to challenge folks is, especially as we, you know, we've had Adam Hickman on here a bunch talking about remote teams. Access to all 20 videos to watch on your own time. And when you put that in a break room, it just creates a lot of energy and enthusiasm because you just -- you've got a visual of the person, for one. Reproduction prohibited without the express permission of Gallup, Inc. And we have tons of resources for you. That's our public space on LinkedIn. If you were, if you were going to lead an exercise -- and I'm going to put you on the spot here a little bit, so we'll see how good you are at this -- so if we were going to do a little exercise where we encouraged people to come up with those slogans, maybe one or two, how would you encourage a manager or a coach to kind of approach that conversation with people? Copyright © 2016 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved. Wonder Woman is my favorite of all time. Self-help, psychology, action? So you've got all the team together; you partner individuals off; it's got their name, it's got their Top 5. Jim Collison 0:20
I say it all the time. Not just your Top 5, but there's a bunch on the tool and then on the /cliftonstrengths page, there is a ton -- an enormous amount; I can't even cover it here of resources that are available for you. Dear Twitpic Community - thank you for all the wonderful photos you have taken over the years. Jaclynn Robinson 10:17
And what's my slogan?
But I think getting, getting some team frequencies outside of the grid a little bit, and getting them kind of brought together and maybe the team puts together some slogans like, What does it mean, you have in the 9 of us in my family, we have Adaptability super high. Or what's another team that you actively cross-collaborate with?
Jaclynn Robinson 17:39
And we started the exercise with a pilot. Jaclynn and Jim Collison exchanged ideas about exercises and activities -- including the team grid, the CliftonStrengths Team Activities Guide, and Theme Insight Cards, but also some less formal activities -- that teams can use to build collaboration and maximize how they apply their talents in the workplace. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. And then, alternatively, I like to throw questions at them, and have them think about, what are we doing really well as a team? Boy, that's a -- that's a great point you just made, is sometimes we create these -- and I haven't heard a lot of teams doing this -- but we create these team grids. Homework Workbook that follows along with each class and includes a variety of multiple choice, true or false, fill in the blanks, #hashtags to help you remember and scenario questions.
Below is a full transcript of the conversation, including time stamps. And, and allow people to tell their story through the stickers they find. What else have you seen -- have you seen any other, when we think about activities, and we think about making this real every day, what other activities have you seen that have worked? So if they're on the road, or they work remote, or maybe they're not in the office at the same time, they've got that picture favorited and they can go and see who they can talk to that has high Communication or who they can talk to you with high Woo. Jaclynn Robinson 7:29
Well, after the manager has reviewed the team grid as well -- so we're all on the same page moving into that team session -- I think it's a beautiful thing when you've got the grid posted. What's the value we bring? This has maybe been the one of the most misunderstood -- a lot of folks are like, you know, Oh, these -- you know, especially overseas, like -- these are tough to ship. Because you start to hear the talent themes come out. I think that's the value of the team grids. And people having those little, those little statements. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. It's your Adaptability. So, case in point, I love -- Achiever's my No. And then, just like the sticker idea, it's kind of one of those things that are like, you know, I don't, I'm not good at following rules. How, how are you building those relationships using Relator? We want to thank you for doing that as well. They're not being put in a box, but it gives them an opportunity to kind of work that thing out. Unresolved: Release in which this issue/RFE will be addressed. It is! Jaclynn Robinson 12:28
But it's that discussion around how can I fill in, right? Many of you have, and we'd also -- if you have questions after the fact, send us an email: This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. But I, I think that could be kind of -- you guys can have that for free, by the way. src/public/js/zxcvbn.js This package implements a content management system with security features by default. And have -- share them that way. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. How have you seen or what kind of advice would you give to teams to keep them from immediately going to the bottom and saying, "We need ..." instead of, "We are awesome at ... "? Gallup, Inc. maintains several registered and unregistered trademarks that include but may not be limited to: A8, Accountability Index, Business Impact Analysis, BE10, CE11, CE11 Accelerator, Clifton StrengthsExplorer, Clifton StrengthsFinder, Customer Engagement Index, Customer Engagement Management, Dr. Gallup Portrait, Employee Engagement Index, Enetrix, Engagement Creation Index, Follow This Path, Gallup, Gallup Brain, Gallup Business Journal, GBJ, Gallup Consulting, Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index, Gallup Management Journal, GMJ, Gallup Panel, Gallup Press, Gallup Tuesday Briefing, Gallup University, Gallup World News, HumanSigma, HumanSigma Accelerator, ICE11, I10, L3, ME25, NurseInsight, NurseStrengths, Patient Quality System, Performance Optimization, Power of 2, PrincipalInsight, Q12, Q12 Accelerator, Q12 Advantage, Selection Research, Inc., SE25, SF34, SRI, Soul of the City, Strengths Spotlight, Strengths-Based Selling, StatShot, StrengthsCoach, StrengthsExplorer, StrengthsFinder, StrengthsInsight, StrengthsQuest, SupportInsight, TX(R+E+R)=P3, TeacherInsight, The Gallup Path, The Gallup Poll, The Gallup School, VantagePoint, Varsity Management, Wellbeing Finder, Achiever, Activator, Adaptability, Analytical, Arranger, Belief, Command, Communication, Competition, Connectedness, Consistency, Context, Deliberative, Developer, Discipline, Empathy, Fairness, Focus, Futuristic, Harmony, Ideation, Includer, Individualization, Input, Intellection , Learner, Maximizer, Positivity, Relator, Responsibility, Restorative, Self-Assurance, Significance, Strategic, and Woo. Jaclynn Robinson 20:41
Because that's what people want to go to first, right? Registration confirmation will be emailed to you. Right? Study Notes ABA is not in any way sponsored, endorsed or affiliated with the BACB®. Jaclynn Robinson 3:09
And I think when it creates a conversation, and you're starting to talk about your themes, as a, as a, as a colleague, now you can look at that person and say, Oh, you're actually a pretty good potential partner. And then sometimes I'll even ask them, once they've looked over the Theme Insight Cards, think about songs or quotes or poetry that you've got around you. But I think that's a creative and fun way where it doesn't feel like a more formalized activity and it breaks the ice and gets people talking, especially if you are starting to create some team activities and you want people to loosen up and they're not going, "What's going on here?". And then for me it connected. And they bought T-shirts for them that had their No. But that's what you want to bring them back to is, Just because you don't have that theme doesn't mean that you're not figuring out a different method of getting to that same outcome. What we might say is, What can you use instead? And even going back to domains, it's a great point you bring up. Kickass - KAT - Kickasstorrents - Site Status and Official Mirrors List It does. Jim Collison 24:36
And that's great too, right? And I think that's even more powerful if they've got their Top 5 in front of them. Maika and I are talking a bunch in context of, and I think, an enormous amount of resources this season for this team grid conversation. That, that kind of works as well. Don't forget to subscribe to us on your favorite podcast app, YouTube, all those places -- get it done; subscribe to us. You don't have to be a coach to be there. We've, we've been to Wordles, we've done those. Jim Collison 24:14
But these roll up nicely to a team, right? I'd kind of love to see teams have their own slogan, right? Jim Collison 12:05
OK, we don't have this; how, you know, we may be short on Executing, but we got a ton of Belief. So she would be my favorite. So I've never seen that done. It's easiest -- for strengths folks, it's easiest to access that through 1 theme on the T-shirts. But there are other ways to do gridlike activities without, without having a team grid. I think the power comes when they can look at the grid and start thinking about, are we Relationship Builders? the , . We'd love to have you: Called to Coach is a resource for those who want to help others discover and use their strengths. So, Jaclynn, thanks for taking the time today to sit down and record 3 and 4 for us. And maybe they're that partner for your your team. Off the bat, the Theme Insight Cards; the Theme Insight Cards because they have the words and phrases that's going to help everyone start to identify the subtle nuances about their themes. Our applicable and actionable best practices for education leaders. It was it was fun. So we'll be in the midst of doing something, and I'll be like, Look, you know me, whatever is worth doing is worth overdoing. Is this shedding light on that for you all, and let's talk about that, and bringing forth that feedback. Full audio and video are posted above. And we're just those individuals that can carry it out. Are we Executers? So what's my theme? Now stickers are cheap, right? Read more about. We have Gallup experts and independent strengths coaches share tactics, insights and strategies to help maximize the talent of individuals, teams and organizations around the world. Collison 27:27 we 'd love to have you and welcome back to domains, it 's, 's... 7:29 and that might be in a box, but it 's a to! Whenever you think about you. you wanted to thinking process list of our page! Of their respective owners it over read off in front of them the value of the Powerful Partnerships -- large. Theme, right posting that on your own set, your thoughts and thinking! 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