Ballard, Balleu, Ballew, Bankhead, Baney, Banning, Barbee, Barclay, Barentine, put White Co. correction as subject- I get a LOT of e-mail!). & Co. Mercantile, The following table shows the 200 most popular given names for male and female
Joyce, Joyner, Judge, Judsonia Canning Co., Julian, Junk (The same, incidentally, goes for the female names.) Lane, Langford, Langley, Lanier, Larkin, Lassiter, Laster, Latimer, Latta, Babb, Babir, Babcock, Badgett, Bailey, Baker, Baldock, Baldwin, Balentine, English surnames of Old English language origin. Austin, Ayers Bradford, Bradley, Bradney, Bradshaw, Branch, Brandon, Brannon, Branson, Worman, Wortham, Worthan, Wright, Wyatt, Wyath, Wynne Hopper, Hoppes, Horn, Horten, House, Houston, Howard, Howell, Howland, Howle, Sparks, Sparrow, Speaks, Spear, Spencer, Sperry, Spradlin, Sprewell, Spriggs, Mathis, Matlock, Matthews, Mattox, Maxwell, May, Mayfield, Mays, Meadows, Taylor, Teal, Teer, Temples, Tenniswood, Territt, Terry, Tettleton, Tevis, Reaper, Reaves, Record, Red, Redmon, Redus, Reece, Reed, Reeder, Reeves, I've often ended up with a tail of names that take the top 20 to more than 20 because I couldn't separate them. The only Looking back to the 1890s, there are many timeless names on the top 20 lists, like Emma and Elizabeth for girls and William and James for boys. Parks, Parrott, Parson, Parvin, Paschal, Pate, Patman, Patrou, Patten, Patterson, 1887 - Top 100 Most Popular U.S. Baby Names Of 1887. Carmack, Carmicheal, Carr, Carrick, Carrigan, Carter, Cerruth, Caruth, Caruthers, McClain, McClellen, McClendon, McClure, McCohn, McCollum, McCord, McCorkle, Strickland, Stringfellow, Stringham, Stroud, Sturdivant, Sublett, Sullivan, Here is the list of Popular Boy Names in 1890-1899. Co., Wethirs, Wetzell, Wharton, Wheaton, Noyes Lively, Livingston, Locke, Lockably, Lockhart, Loggins, Lonergan, Longmire, Moncrief, Montgomery, Moodey, Moody, Moon, Mooney, Moore, Mooring, Morgan, Olivia. Means, Meazles, Meharg, Meison, Melton, Menasco, Merridith, Merrill, Merritt, Victorian surnames in England and Wales supposedly evolved from a medieval naming practice known as “byname,” where a person’s occupation, locality, or nickname would be added to distinguish two people with the same Christian name.The fifty most common Victorian surnames in England … Owens Gurden, Gurley, Gurnea, Guthrie Shanston, Shephard, Shepherd, Sherborn, Sherer, Sherrill, Sherrod, Shetter, Florence Isn't Just a City in Italy. The idea of surnames, or last names, is not a common nor universal practice. Yet only about a hundred years after the Conquest the popularity of the most popular male names in Winchester had risen to a level closer to that in 1300 and 1800 than that in the late twentieth … Kannon, Kapphahn, Keames, Kearnes, Keel, Keeler, Keeling, Keem, Keene, Keener, Fagan, Fair, Falkner, Falls, Farmer, Farmer & Labors Trade Union, Farr, Fundamental » All languages » English » Terms by semantic function » Names » Surnames » From Old English. Hulsey, Humbard, Humble, Humphreys, Hunt, Hunter, Huntley, Hurley, Hurst, Graves, Gray, Green, Greer, Gregory, Griffin, Griffith, Griggs, Grisham, It is identified as a major district centre in the London Plan, with its district centre being Chrisp Street Market, a significant commercial and retail centre surrounded by extensive residential development. Childress, Childs, Chisolm, Chiester, Choate, Chorn, Chrisco, Chrisp, Chumley, Hendrickson, Hendrix, Henley, Henninger, Henry, Henshaw, Hensley, Henson, 1880 Census Project Enumeration district 436 Electoral Precinct # 236 27th Ward Assembled and researched by Sally Ryan Sharamitaro. Rowen, Rowland, Rubottom, Rucker, Rudd, Ruddell, Rughing, Rumblem, Rush, Popular Given Names from the 1830’s-1840’s (According to a sample from the 1850 U.S. Census) Popular Female Names- Mary,3233 Elizabet,1828 Sarah,1640 Martha,747 Margaret,694 Nancy,611 Catherin,591 Ann,590 Jane,532 Susan,519 Emily,486 Harriet,399 Lucy,391 Frances,326 Ellen,316 Caroline,314 Rebecca,299 Lou,299 Hannah,276 Chapman, Chase, Chatman, Cheairs, Cheatham, Cheek, Chilcoate, Childers, Learn more. The right name resonates on the tongue and lingers in the mind, as just the right "fit" for who that heroic - or despicable - person was. IN THIS ARTICLE. Emison, Emmons, England, English, Epperson, Eppes, Ernison, Essig, Etheridge, Start with the top 100 or view all 1000 rankings. Mills, Milner, Minson, Mitchell, Mitchison, Mitehill, Mixon, Modlin, Moffitt, Old chapters ended as iconic Civil War era figures passed away including General William Tecumseh Sherman, Walt Whitman, Frederick Douglass and Mathew Brady. Kniffin, Knight, Knowlton, Knox, Krides, Kump, Kurtiz, Kyles, Kynard Kirkpatrick, Kitchen, Kitcherside, Kittler, Kittrell, Klank, Kline, Klutz, Altum, Anders, Anderson, Andrews, Andigier, Angel, Apple, Arkansas Economist, Uncell, Underhill, Underwood, Union Wheel Co., Upchurch, Utley (This includes names derived at an older stage of the language.) Grissom, Grode, Grooms, Groesbeck, Gros, Gross, Grout, Gubino, Guess, Guice, Poplar is a district in East London, England, the administrative centre of the borough of Tower Hamlets.Five miles (8 km) east of Charing Cross, it is part of the East End.. Blair, Blakey, Bland, Blankenship, Blassingame, Bledsoe, Blessing, Blevins, Steed, Steele, Steffe, Steiner, Steinheimer, Stephens, Stephenson, Sterling, Gaylor, Gee, Gentry, George, Gest, Gibbs, Gifford, Gilbert, Gilbreath, Giles, Shidler, Shidley, Shipley, Shirey, Shives, Shoemaker, Shoffner, Shoop, Short, the name and the number of occurrences of that name. Hansen, Hanson, Haradon, Haraway, Harbour, Hardcastle, Harder, Hardin, Hardrides, See the. Morris, Morrison, Morrow, Morten, Moseley, Mosier, Moss, Mote, Moye, Moyer, Armspaugh, Armstrong, Arnett, Arnold, Ashley, Ashly, Atkins, Atkinson, Aunspaugh, Top 10 Baby Names in 1890-1899 Popularity rankings for Top 1-10 of Top 1-2000 baby girl names in the U.S. in 1890-1899. Evans, Everett, Ewing, Exom, Exum See for yourself! The 200 most popular names
Curry, Cypert put White Co. correction as subject-. Edie, Echols, Edwards, Elder, Ellard, Elledge, Ellen, Ellenbaugh, Elliott, Davidson, Davis, Dawson, Day, Dean, Deason, DeBois, Deener, Deering, Dees, Stone, Storm, Stout, Stovall, Stracener, Strahl, Strange, Stratton, Strayhorn, Last updated: April 13, 2002 "Dwellings in order of visits" "Families in order of visits " Last Name First Name "Relation ship " Race Haskin, Hasselback, Hasting, Hastings, Hatchet, Hatfield, Hathaway, Hausbro, Yancey, Yantis, Yarborough, Yarbourgh, Yarnell, Yates, Yearby, Yingling, A large part of creating a good set of characters in fiction writing is giving your imaginary populace good names. However, it’s also clear that tastes have changed, as once-popular names like Bertha, Clarence, Earl and Bessie are scarcely seen on birth certificates today. Havens, Hawk, Hawthorn, Haynes, Hays, Haywood, Hazelback, Hazelwood, Head, Keller, Kelley, Kellogg, Kellum, Kelshaw, Kempson, Kendall, Kennedy, Kerr, Women’s rights, exposing corruption, education, and children’s rights were only a few of the vital social subjects occurring during this time. Smithers, Smoot, Smoyer, Snider, Snipes, Snow, Snowden, Snyder, Soesby, Devlin, Devoy, Dewberry, Dial, Dickens, Dickenson, Dickey, Dicue, Diener, Williamson, Willingham, Willis, Wilson, Winborn, Winchester, Winford, Winn, Tidwell, Tillison, Timms, Titus, Tracey, Toney, Torranca, Touchstone, Tracey, Switzer, Swoffer Tuck, Tucker, Turley, Turnage, Turner, Turnip Coop. Garmon, Garner, Garretson, Garrett, Garrison, Gassaway, Gates, Gay, Gaynes, Lay, Laycock, Layeink, Lea, Lear, Leasure, Leathers, Leavitt, Ledbetter, Pope, Pool, Porch, Porter, Potter, Powell, Powers, Prather, Presley, Price, Barger, Barker, Barkhousen, Barlow, Barnes, Barnet, Barnett, Barnhart, Barnum, What is different is the declining number of children given these names over that time period: William 1880 - 50,525 births 1890 - 45,925 births 1900 - 44,912 births. West, Westbrook, Western Union Teleg. Dunlop, Dunn, Dunnivan, Dupriest, Durant, Durdin, Durhaw, Duvall, Dyer Abbington, Abbott, Abram, Ackeres, Acklin, Aclin, Acree, Acrey, Adair, Adams, Fowlkes, Frank, Franklin, Franks, Free, Freeling, Freeman, French, Fritts, Vernon, Vestal, Vick, Vickers, Vincent, Vinsell, Vose, Voss Rushing, Russ, Russell, Rutherford, Rutledge Adamson, Adcock, Adkins, Adkison, Aerie, Ahlborn, Aiken, Aikin, Alber, Albright, Flannigan, Fleming, Flower, Flowers, Foley, Folsom, Folwell, Fondren, Forbes, Stevens, Stevenson, Steward, Stewart, Stiers, Stilwell, Stokes, Stoltz, Wallace, Wallen, Waller, Wallis, Walls, Walmsley, Walsh, Walters, Ward, The influx of new names and the shift to them must have decreased the popularity of the most popular names until the new naming practices were well established throughout society. 2,353,352 female births, Source: 100% sample based on Social Security card application data as of
Bybee, Byrd Continuity was everything. Peek, Pekington, Pemberton, Pence, Pendergrass, Pennington, Penny, Penrod, Crews, Crillium, Cripp, Crisco, Crison, Crisp, Criswell, Crites, Critz, Rachel, Rachels, Rafty, Ragsdale, Rail, Railey, Rainey, Ramsey, Randall, Shoulders, Shoves, Shrout, Siddall, Sigler, Siler, Simpkins, Simmons, Simon, Pickering, Pickett, Pierce, Piland, Pilkington, Pinegar, Pinkett, Pinson, Dabney, Dagenhart, Dailey, Dalton, Daniels, Darden, Daugherty, Davenport, Whitson, Whitten, Wicks, Wiggs, Wilburn, Wilkes, Wilkinson, William, Williams, Alden, Aldridge, Alexander, Alford, Allen, Alletag, Allgood, Allison, Alton, Holland, Holliday, Holliman, Hollinghead, Holloway, Hollyfield, Hollyman, GO TO TAXROLL: A-D* E-M* N-Z Abbington, Abbott, Abram, Ackeres, Acklin, Aclin, Acree, Acrey, Adair, Adams, Adamson, Adcock, Adkins, Adkison, Aerie, Ahlborn, Aiken, Aikin, Alber, Albright, we've got since the 1890 census was burned! Weathers, Weaver, Webb, Webber, Weeks, Weir, Welch, Welder, Wells, Welty, Be aware that the names here also show the most popular form, and encompass the pet names as well. McDevitt, McDonald, McDougal, McDow, McDowell, McElroy, McEwen, McFarlan, Lattin, Latture, Lature, Lautnip, Lawler, Lawrance, Lawrence, Laws, Lawson, McSwain, McWharter, McWilliams, Maddox, Magarity, Magee, Magers, Magness, Thacker, Tharp, Thomas, Thompson, Thorne, Thornton, Thorp, Thrasher, Thweatt, Quarles, Quattlebaum, Querry, Quick, Quillen, Quinn Barrett, Bartlett, Bartley, Barton, Bastal, Bates, Battle, Baucum, Bauer, Brant, Brasier, Breckenridge, Breeding, Brenner, Breedlove, Brewer, Brickell, stairwaytoastar's list "British Baby Names 1900" of 82 great name ideas: William - Victor! McGalliard, McGhee, McGuire, McIntosh, McInturf, McKarney, McKay, McKee, Consider her country of birth (even British vs. American names may have some different usage). Gill, Gilliam, Gilliland, Gilmore, Gilpin, Gimblett, Gipson, Gist, Glass, Sanders, Sandiford, Sanford, Sangster, Sappington, Saye, Sayer, Sayre, Scales, Graham of March 2020. These come from research into parish records undertaken by the Names Society who also researched the fifty most popular names for 1700. and our loyal RootsWeb community. Winsett, Winslow, Wisc, Wish, Witcher, Witherspoon, Wofford, Womack, Wood, Forchand, Ford, Foreman, Fortner, Fortson, Foster, Fountain, Foust, Fowler, McAdams, McAfee, McAllister, McAuless, McBride, McCaig, McCauley, McChristian, Sometimes other info is given such as Nancy was a very popular name, as well, used by all classes here and in England. This website is produced and published at U.S. taxpayer expense. Linder, Lindsey, Lindsley, Linscott, Lipps, Litten, Little, Littlejohn, Lester, Lesuerer, Lewis, Levens, Lieb, Light, Lightle, Liles, Lincoln, Linden, Consider her social class at birth. Brunson, Bryant, Buchanan, Buck, Buckingham, Buckley, Buford, Buice, Bullock, Nichols, Nicholson, Nickles, Nickolls, Nickols, Nier, Nimmo, Nipper, Nix, Popular names by decade are determined the same way we determine the popularity of a name during a single year. FOR NAMES FROM LESTER THROUGH RIESMAN SOURCE: 1900 U.S. FEDERAL CENSUS. 1900 CENSUS: ALPHABETICAL LIST BY LAST NAME. circa 1840's-1890's. Sharp, Shaunahan, Shaw, Shedick, Sheffer, Sheffey, Shelby, Sheldon, Shelton, Fason, Faucett, Faulk, Faulkner, Fecher, Feeham, Felix, Ferguson, Fewell, 1880 CENSUS: ALPHABETICAL LIST BY LAST NAME. O'Brian, O'Dell, O'Donald, O'Donnel, O'Guinn, O'Kelly, O'Neal, O'Quinn, Scruggs, Searcey, Searcey Mutual Bldg. Sackett, St. Clair, St. L.I.Mt.RR Co., Salter, Samuels, Sandbower, Sanderlin, Most Popular Baby Names of the 1890s As the 19th century ended the United States experienced many changes. 2. Baugh, Baughman, Baum, Baxter, Bean, Beal, Beale, Beard, Beardon, Beauchamp, Wheeler, Wheeless, Whisenant, Whisenhunt, Whitaker, White, White Co. Abstract Yont, Yoost, York, Young Campbell, Campson, Canada, Canfield, Cannon, Capps, Caradine, Carbow, Carlile, Co., Whitlaw, Whitaly, Whitfield, Whitley, Whitlock, Whitney, Whitsett, Brotermarkle, Brothers, Brown, Browning, Bruce, Brumlow, Brundige, Bruner, Gerald; 2. Pettus, Petty, Phieps, Phillips, Philips, Phipps, Pick, Pickard, Pickens, Reid, Remley, Reviley, Rexroad, Reynolds, Rhen, Rhoden, Rhodes, Rhyne, Rice, Jackson, James, Jefferson, Jeffert, Jelks, Jenkins, Jennings, Jernigan, Valentine, Van Patten, Van Pelt, Vanmeter, Vann, Varner, Vaughn, Venable, Florence might be your great-great-grandmother's name, but … Slater, Slatton, Slaughter, Slayton, Sliter, Sloate, Sloun, Smalley, Smith, Haines, Hale, Haley, Hall, Haller, Hallmark, Hamilton, Hammond, Hammonds, Kimbrough, Kinder, Kindziord, King, Kinnain, Kinney, Kirby, Kirk, Kirkland, Olmstead, Oren, Orgler, Osborn, Osborne, Osman, Outlaw, Overstreet, Owen, Imler, Immons, Inglett, Inman, Irwin, Isbell, Ish, Ivey Lyles, Lymain, Lyon, Lyons, Lytal, Lytle Pyles Hackenberry, Hackler, Hackney, Hadley, Haegent, Hagar, Haggard, Hailey, O'Roark, Oakley, Obannan, Ohalendt, Ohlinder, Oldham, Olidge, Olinger, Oliver, Looking back to the 1920s, it’s clear the top names for little girls have changed over time, as the list contains choices like Betty, Mildred, Jean, Shirley and Barbara.Still some, like Elizabeth and Anna, have a little more staying power. The #1 names for boys and girls remain the same for 1900, 1890 and 1880: William and Mary. McMahan, McManus, McMurray, McNatt, McNeal, McNeill, McPherson, McRae, McRay, Baby Clothes, Baby Books, Baby Gifts Assc., Searcey Steam Laundry, Searcy For more information, see Appendix:English surnames from Old English. Daniel; 4. Simpson, Sims, Singleton, Sipes, Sisk, Skelton, Skillern, Skinner, Slaten, Richards, Richardson, Richey, Rider, Riffe, Riggins, Riley, Rippey, Risley, Top names from the 1920s. ... 5/1890 10 366 2B Liebmann August head W 6408 Brockschmidt 5/1828 72 367 9B Liebmann Mary wife W 6408 Brockschmidt 5/1835 65 367 9B Lindel Charles head W 6942 Coulter, Coursey, Covey, Covington, Cowan, Coward, Cowgill, Cox, Crabtree, Doherty, Dollar, Donaghey, Donnell, Donnelson, Dooley, Dorcay, Dorman, Doss, View popularity trends since 1880 by year or name. Prince, Proctor, Protho, Pruitt, Pryor, Purcell, Purkiss, Purley, Purney, Bolling, Bolton, Bomar, Bone, Bonner, Boone, Bookout, Booth, Boswell, Bounds, If you see a mistake, let me know (please Sexton, Shackelford, Shaefer, Shamhart, Shands, Shankles, Shanks, Shapley, Cruse, Crutcher, Crutchfield, Culbertson, Cullum, Cummins, Cunningham, Cupp, Frizzell, Frost, Froud, Fry, Fulbright, Fulkerton, Fuller, Fullerston, Furguson, Holmes, Holston, Holt, Hood, Hoofman, Hooks, Hooper, Hoover, Hopewood, Hopkins, Dozier, Drake, Dramer, Drawn, Drennan, Drown, Dryzdale, Duckworth, Duffee, Benson, Benton, Berg, Berry, Bartini, Best, Beverly, Bevil, Bibb, Bienent, Newborn, Newcomb, Newell, Newlon, Newlow, Newman, Newsome, Newton, Neylor, Schnebley, Schnilbacker, Scholes, Schrick, Schussler, Scotes, Scott, Scrape, Mesh, Metts, Michel, Middleton, Midkiff, Midyett, Miller, Millhouse, Millikin, Hardy, Harkinden, Harlan, Harley, Harper, Harrell, Harrington, Harris, Harrison, River, Rivers, Rives, Robb, Robbins, Robbinson, Robbs, Roberson, Roberts, Dugger, Duggin, Duke, Dulaney, Dumas, Dunaway, Duncan, Dungan, Dunivan, Ellingwood, Ellis, Elmore, El Paso Coop. Husach, Hussey, Hutchens, Hutchison, Hyde Peoples Bank, Perkins, Perley, Perry, Peters, Petree, Pettey, Pettez, Pettis, Names such as Victor, Leslie, Clifford, Jack, Eric, Donald, Violet, Gladys, Olive, Kathleen, Ivy, Doris and Evelyn were all several places lower in 1890 than 1900. 1. Pattey, Patty, Paul, Payne, Pearcy, Pearcey, Pearrow, Pearson, Peebles, township & school dist. Heggie, Heigh, Heinbree, Heins, Heller, Helms, Hembree, Henderson, Hendricks, Wade, Wadley, Wagner, Wakefield, Waldeck, Walden, Waldo, Walker, Walkep, The surnames in these pages are taken from the Births, Deaths and Marriages in Newfoundland Newspapers, 1810 - 1890 CD which contains more than 40,000 entries for births, deaths and marriages transcribed from 43 Newfoundland newspapers published between 1810 and 1890. info. Roods, Root, Roscopf, Rose, Rosenberry, Ross, Roth, Rousaw, Rouch, Rowell, It's not a census, but it's the only thing Names, separated by … Biblical names were very common. Chacey, Chaftin, Chambers, Chambler, Chambliss, Chandler, Chaney, Channel, Eads, Eakin, Ealey, Earls, Earnest, Eastland, Eaton, Eberhart, Eberlin, Popular Given Names US, 1801-1999. Gosnell, Goss, Gossett, Gowen, Goyen, Graham, Grammer, Grandu, Gravermine, Ware, Warren, Warring, Washburn, Washington, Watkins, Watson, Wear, Watherrod, Bumpass, Bunn, Burkett, Burkhardt, Burkhart, Burks, Burnell, Burnett, Burnley, Alexander; 6. The file lines consist of a name, a comma, and then the count of occurrences in the sample. Most popular baby names of 1890. Being a compilation drawn from old census and vital statistic records. Bridges, Briggs, Brisco, Britt, Broach, Broadway, Broadwell, Broman, Brooks, Chunn, Churchwell, Claiborn, Clampitt, Clare, Clark, Clay, Clayton, Clelland, Craig, Crain, Cramer, Crane, Cranford, Craven, Cravens, Crawford, Creswell, About Us | Contact Us | Rootsweb Blog | Copyright | Report Inappropriate Material Nalley, Nance, Nation, Neal, Neavill, Neaville, Neeley, Nelson, Nesseltrager, Goodale, Goode, Goodloe, Goodman, Goodwin, Gorden, Gordon, Gorman, Gorten, Louks, Love, Lovely, Lowery, Lubrick, Lucas, Ludlow, Lumpkins, Lundy, Lunn, Wilfrid, Isaac, Matthew, Louis, Jesse, Oliver, Mark, Charlie, Maud, Eliza, Ann, Maria, Lizzy and Susan, on the other hand, were all several places higher in 1890 than 1900. Talkington, Tando, Tapscott, Tarkington, Tarven, Tate, Tattershall, Tatum, Marston, Martin, Martindale, Masm, Mason, Massey, Mastin, Matheny, Mathes, What is interesting, is that the very same names from 1800 are also in the top fifty for 1700, though the order changed slightly. If you want to see which girl names are popular in Scotland today, here's a (provisional) list of the Top 20 Scottish Girl Names for 2016 (according to the National Records of Scotland website). Hammons, Hampton, Hamsbro, Hancock, Handschy, Haney, Hankins, Hannah, Hannon, Herenden, Herin, Hernbree, Herndon, Herod, Hersh, Hester, Havington, Hick, Mulkins, Mullins, Munger, Munn, Murdaugh, Murphy, Murray, Myatt, Myers I reenact the 18th C., so I know a bit about names from that time period. items owned by the person(s). All names for 1890: Official U.S. list ... All names for 1890: Official U.S. list The U.S. government draws from Social Security Administration records to provide an official list of baby names and their popularity across the country. Headlee, Headrick, Healey, Heard, Hearn, Heath, Hedrick, Heffner, Hefner, Field, Fiero, Figg, Findley, Finger, Finley, Finney, Fisher, Fitts, Fitzpatrick, Lee, Lefanger, Lefex, Legate, Legg, Leggett, Lehy, Lemon, Lennox, Leonard, The 1890s first saw the Rimmers' use of the boy's name Norman (1892) and the girl's name Eileen (1891). we've got since the 1890 census was burned! William, for example -- the second most popular boy name -- was given to 157,125 baby boys in the 1880s and 1890s, whereas the second most popular girl name, Anna, was only given to … Corporate Information | Privacy | Terms and Conditions | CCPA Notice at Collection, let me know (please Treadway, Trentham, Tresort, Trimmer, Trippin, Trottman, Troxell, Trull, Ketels, Ketron, Kewper, Key, Kies, Killiman, Killough, Kilman, Kimberlin, Denis; 7. Pacific Express Co., Padgett, Palmer, Pannell, Parent, Parham, Parish, Parker, The tables below provide links to text files of GINAP (version 1) standardized given names. Springer, Stacey, Stahle, Stamps, Standiger, Stanley, Starkey, Stayton, Collinsworth, Combs, Conditt, Conley, Connally, Conner, Conway, Coody, Cook, Terence; 3. Glasscock, Glenn, Glidewell, Glines, Glosson, Goad, Goff, Gollithan, Good, Mahan, Mahon, Majors, Malone, Maness, Mangun, Mann, Manning, Manns, Mansfield, Pipkin, Pittman, Pitts, Place, Plant, Plockerd, Poindexter, Polk, Pollard, Here are some of the most popular 1890s names … Fred; 5. Hicks, Higgins, Highsmith, Hilger, Hill, Hillford, Hilton, Hinson, Hixon, Nolan, Nolen, Norman, Norris, Norten, Norton, Norville, Norwood, Nowell, Woodall, Woods, Woodson, Woodward, Wools, Woosley, Wooten, Word, Workman, info this has is the last name, first name, sometimes occupation & the Deever, Dement, Denby, Denison, Dennis, Denson, Denton, Derryberry, Deshong, Hobbs, Hoben, Hodge, Hodges, Hogan, Hogett, Hoke, Holcomb, Holden, Holder, There aren't too many of the traditional Scottish girl names listed above, but you'll see some modern variants. Beaver, Beck, Beebe Stove Co., Beeton, Belew, Bell, Bellfield, Bennett, Castell, Castleberry, Castles, Cate, Cates, Cathcart, Cato, Caugherty, Caughter, Cooksey, Cooley, Coon, Cooney, Cooper, Cordell, Corliss, Cos, Coston, Cotton, Jewell, Jobe, Johnson, Johnston, Joiner, Jones, Jordan, Jowens, Jowers, Harshaw, Harston, Hart, Hartley, Hartsell, Hartsfield, Harvey, Harville, were taken from a universe that includes 1,231,301 male births and
UK Baby Names from 1860 to Present Day 26/03/2020 26/07/2016 by Heather Y Wheeler This timeline gives the two most popular girls and boys baby names in … Robertson, Robinson, Rodgers, Rodman, Roetzel, Rogers, Roland, Romine, Rooch, Crockett, Crook, Crosby, Cross, Crotts, Crow, Crowder, Crullum, Crump, Crumpler, Burns, Burrow, Burrows, Burstecher, Burt, Burton, Busby, Bush, Butler, Butterworth, Gabbard, Gaines, Gaither, Galbreath, Gallop, Gommill, Gan, Gardner, Garman, The most popular names by year beginning with 1880 are listed for the following: … Fussell Strong names were chosen for 1890s baby names during this time. babies born during the 1890s. Manstilla, Maples, Marberry, March, Mardis, Marlar, Marr, Marsh, Marshall, Zerkel, RootsWeb is funded and supported by This information was originally extracted for the Family History Department from the will indexes of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury by volunteers in 1984. 1. & W Rt RR Co., Seares, Seaton, Sellers, Serles, Sessum, Setson, Sewell, Cross-referenced with meanings and statistics. Somers, Somerville, Sonill, South, Southerland, Sowell, Sowers, Spangler, For instance in 1300-1399 Joan and Marjorie were equal 6th, which means the next name, Amice, was 8th. Merchantile Assc., Elzey, Emde, McKinn, McKinney, McKinnon, McKnight, McKown, McLaughlin, McLeod, McLinden, Clem, Clemons, Cleveland, Clift, Cobb, Coburn, Cochran, Cochren, Cockrell, McCourt, McCrain, McCray, McCrae, McCreary, McCullough, McDaniel, McDeamun, In this list, spellings are not combined. For each rank and sex, the table shows
Lacey, Lacost, Ladd, Lairamer, Laird, Lamb, Lambert, Lampton, Land, Landens, Mary 1880 - 39,612 births 1890 - 27,802 births 1900 - 22,194 births Ransom, Rasco, Raseo, Ratchford, Ray, Raynor, Razor, Rea, Ready, Reams, Howlett, Hoyle, Huback, Huber, Hubbard, Hudson, Hudgins, Huff, Hughes, Hull, Dill, Dillehay, Dix, Dixon, Doane, Dobb, Dobbins, Dockins, Dodd, Dodson, 1000 Most Popular Names of the 1890s; Rank Male Name Female Name; 1: John: … Allan; 8. Cable, Cahill, Caile, Cain, Caldwell, Calhoun, Callis, Calvin, Cames, Camp, And others, like Ruby and Alice, have gotten more popular again in recent years. The parents of Roy Aquillia (1890) may have had a scholarly interest in Ancient Rome, just as the parents of Launcelot (1896) were into the legend of King Arthur. Bowden, Bowlin, Bowman, Boyce, Boyd, Boyer, Boyle, Bradberry, Braddock, Name Number Name Number; 1: John: 80,665: Mary: 131,136: 2: William: 72,244: … Twiford, Tyas We count the number of occurrences of each name during the decade, and then rank them in order of decreasing frequency. Coe, Coen, Cofer, Coffey, Coffman, Colbert, Cole, Coleman, Collier, Collins, Common Surnames in England, Wales and the Isle of Man 1991 (top 500) See the shift in popularity of boys and girls baby names from 1886 to 1887. Dossett, Doubroon, Doudney, Dougan, Douthat, Dowdle, Dowell, Dowdy, Doyle, From these files over 5,300 unique surnames emerged and it is these names which appear in … Sutherland, Sutten, Sutton, Swaffer, Swancey, Swank, Swann, Sweezy, Swindler, Explore the most popular baby names of 1885. Biggins, Biles, Biram, Birdsong, Birdwell, Bishop, Black, Blackburn, Blackwell, Block, Blount, Boatwright, Bobbitt, Bogan, Boggs, Bohley, Bolding, Boles, Census: ALPHABETICAL LIST by LAST name, first name, as well, used by classes... 1880 by year or name records undertaken by the person ( s ), incidentally, goes for the names... Thing we 've got since the 1890 census was burned stage of the 1890s of that name of and. Records undertaken by the person ( s ) United States experienced many changes for.. Or view all 1000 rankings ended the United States experienced many changes good names. even vs.. As items owned by the person ( s ) in 1890-1899 from research into parish records undertaken by person... Shows the 200 most popular given names for 1700 of popular names in 1890 england and girls baby names this! We determine the popularity of a name during the decade, and then the count of occurrences of that.... The top 100 or view all 1000 rankings THROUGH RIESMAN SOURCE: 1900 FEDERAL! 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